Example sentences of "[prep] be [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The main argument or basic responses you have been searching for are short statements which represent a stance or attitude to the question .
2 Somewhere in between are good plants for small gardens , only reaching about 2ft with a far daintier habit .
3 What we are being asked to choose between are promissory notes , not achievements .
4 Unfortunately the bits in between are hard work and ultimately are not really worth the bother .
5 Tony Greener was appointed chairman of Guinness PLC in January 1993 , after being chief executive from January 1992 .
6 I was n't Marti Caine at that stage , I was Zoe Bond , but only after being Sunny Smith for three weeks .
7 I find this very difficult to erm , to relate , to relate hard work to the women portraying in , in this , we 've got the postcard of that one , erm it must of been hard work and very tedious , but I think every now and then the moment breaks away and shines through at the back , and I think people like , like Gaugin erm captures those moments and then releases them on the canvass , and I hope that erm by , I hope I 've been able to show you how I use art as a voice erm and a friend as my own work , even though we 've maybe had to do such a sort of hand fist way , hand fisted way , erm , but , I , I 've recently started to re-visit old favourite of paintings and I found that the story they tell sometimes has changed dramatically , maybe sometimes when your very little that , that , you know , sometimes dramatically as well , erm , but I , mostly , most importantly its , its still , I still find them , all of them compelling and challenging and , and something to stride for in my own work , erm , er only time will tell so I 'll finish with the , the last poem which is erm comes from the postcard what 's going round which is harvest , its called Patterns In The Grass , Wheat cut and falls , making lion head patterns in the grass , sickle shaped women bend and bow as a naive dressed as a dog steals the evening meal .
8 bloody hell , that must of been hard work that , they must of been at it all day
9 Must of been clean mud , I du n no !
10 some local paper or even , might of been Daily Express or summat like that you see
11 you know got enough to go to university , things like that to of been top dog all your school life , it might do you good not to be
12 I do n't know though I mean he , he 's , he 's allowed that , he allowed that the fact that they could of been unarmed men and all that but he also condemned three of them on the evidence of this lead which he really should n't of done , he should of left an open verdict on those few cos lead could be transferred to .
13 What there are plenty of are judgmental adjectives : Pamella , the naughty thing , is ‘ degraded ’ , ‘ sick ’ , ‘ sleazy ’ , ‘ corrupt ’ , ‘ scheming ’ , ‘ pushy ’ , ‘ thick-skinned ’ , ‘ shrewd ’ , ‘ disturbed ’ , ‘ seriously disturbed ’ , ‘ squalid ’ .
14 At the end of the year , or at any time , there is a small selection of pieces that represent stages in their progress towards being successful writers , including types of writing they 're best at and types they have more trouble with .
15 ‘ Before training , Barry called a meeting and said the chairman had accused us of being greedy bastards and blamed us for the fine .
16 We can not accuse teachers of being sole agents of reproduction : they may themselves be considered deviant by the pupils or parents if they try to encourage domestic skills in boys or engineering orientations in girls .
17 They have the reputation of being fearsome warriors .
18 Deer ruin their chances of being awesome beasts , providing a rare and special experience to those who spot them , by standing in massive herds all along the verge of the A9 looking glum , and grouse lose points for frightening you half to death by crashing out of the heather from under your feet screeching like banshees .
19 In the late 1980s we now see town planning and architecture — shapers of the housing environment — charged with professional disrepute : once the great hope of being effective providers of an environment of social purpose , the two professions have been derided for giving the public the wrong thing , and in the wrong manner .
20 Berg 's Wozzeck is one forerunner , but Britten and Mrs Piper deserve the accolade of being unconscious innovators .
21 But the minister pointed out : ‘ The basic fact would seem to be that , the longer the campaign has gone on , fewer people have been prepared to take on the commitments and risks of being part-time soldiers . ’
22 We fall into the trap of being efficient technicians of life , starved of the personal dimension of being ‘ mercy-full ’ .
23 I have no intention of being chief cook and bottle-washer for the fortnight that you 're around . ’
24 Jo and Tina were chauffeured every day to a small exclusive private school for the cosseted daughters of those Bel Air families who valued high moral standards and hard work more than the pretence of being regular folks .
25 I supposed mainly that , instead of being passive victims of our own reality , we could , through utilising this technique , become masters of it .
26 When we were young we all dreamed of being assistant professionals .
27 ‘ Scouting attracts the hooligans , ’ he told the National Defence Association in 1910 , ‘ who are really the fellows of character if you can turn them in the right way ; and no doubt these fellows will be of some use to us in the future instead of being absolute waste material , fit only to be buried . ’
28 But no doubt some of the original Hooligans — ‘ instead of being absolute waste material , fit only to be buried ’ as Baden-Powell had somewhat indelicately described the goal of reclamation — were buried alongside them , remembered only in the writings and memoirs of youth workers which act as their tombstones .
29 He attributes this to the ‘ I know a little man ’ syndrome , but one gets the feeling that he is a little weary of being other people 's secret .
30 ACTORS dressed up as Vikings for a Welsh S4C documentary were challenged by local people in Swansea and accused of being New Age travellers .
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