Example sentences of "[prep] too few [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One club that has shut down permanently is The Brain in London , a victim of too few clubbers with too little money after one good summer too many .
2 The crucial assumption underlying this analysis , in contrast to those which have focused on the rate of growth of labour supply and the idea of too few producers , is that the achievement of higher productivity is a prior condition for and not a consequence of a higher rate of growth of the manufacturing labour force [ cf.
3 The simple fact is that commitment and resource must be kept in rough equilibrium ; at the moment the infantry is being asked to do too much , with too few battalions .
4 There were too many organizational structures with too few members and even less real action .
5 The experience of GCSE reform demonstrates the dangers of moving too fast with too few resources .
6 Racecourses , in an effort to win more of the levy pot , lay on too many races with too few horses .
7 With too few rows worked between it will probably look too fat and squashed ; it may even make the work very solid .
8 noted that the press was falling into too few hands to allow for a proper ‘ marketplace of ideas ’ to operate .
9 A second , and deeper , cause of the depression was that too much of the income from the prosperous 20s was going into too few hands .
10 Even more , the thesis that the economy has suffered from too few producers in the manufacturing sector rings very hollow indeed [ Kaldor , 1966 , 1968 , 1975 ] .
11 In too few cases has the reduction been accompanied by an admission that the new base will be more sustainable in future .
12 In addition to the absence of state control , the ownership of the press , and indeed the media , should not be concentrated in too few hands .
13 When the Tate divides up , the two sections should likewise be totally divorced , which would avoid the centrality of power being in too few hands .
14 Indubitably , too much land was concentrated in too few hands though the agricultural reasons for extensive farming were not always appreciated .
15 This can , of course , create very undesirable consequences : social stability may be endangered by concentration of too much power and/ or wealth in too few hands ; the privacy of citizens may be abused under the excuse of maintaining law and order , or for commercial gains ; the state may take a " big brother " role ; the business community may acquire too much political power ; or , although very unlikely , IT experts may decide that they should take over the running of the country , since it is only they who can understand the unnecessary complexity of IT systems .
16 Add to this a few arguments related to the preservation of choice , local market knowledge , and participation in technology transfer , and you have the case for not allowing air transport power to be concentrated in too few hands .
17 Undoubtedly , the WFS data are affected by both sampling and response errors , and in many cases infant mortality rates for maternal ages under 20 and over 40 are based on too few cases ( less than 500 births ) .
18 Zeneca admits that it has concentrated on too few products .
19 There was anxiety that judgments would be made about teachers ' handling of classes , based on too few visits .
20 In the example of Figure 15–5 a tax on meals leads to too few meals being produced .
21 Free market equilibrium leads to too few improvements .
22 For too few directors does pay fall by as much when performance sags as it rises in good times .
23 There were too many working hours for too few police as it was without letting any be wasted unnecessarily .
24 The problem was too many men applying for too few places ; in 1895 , eighty-seven men passed the required examination for the ministry although the college still had only sixty places .
25 Britain 's higher education system still provides excellent standards of education , but does so for too few people .
26 This tends to compound problems caused by too few tokens ( cf. 6.8.2 ) .
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