Example sentences of "[prep] our [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Preparations for departure filled our thoughts and days : arrangements for Shanti to look after our correspondence for us and deal with our finances ; saying goodbye to friends ; making a list of unanswered letters to write while I was away ; contingency plans for situations likely and unlikely .
2 All the nice Burma people attached to Government who lived in Simla , and were so kind to us , who opened a room on the top of the library just below our house for soldiers on leave .
3 It is unlikely that any report in the UK would be so brutally honest , but it accurately describes our situation , except that the inadequate nature of our provision for many students has long been recognised by many educators , and only becomes important to others through economic necessity .
4 Ironically , most of our evidence for the use of these methods in Roman times come from mosaics where , apparently , such errors have been overlooked .
5 We do not envisage using the TA to respond immediately to outrages in Northern Ireland or to make it the first wave of our assault for the repossession of Kuwait .
6 We are extremely aware of the number of people carrying out treatments who are not members of our Institute for various reasons .
7 And so , in spite of our nostalgia for the days when Premier Harold Macmillan declared that Britain had ‘ never had it so good ’ , there was nothing at all unusual in the BMA 's diagnosis of the appalling state of morals in 1961 :
8 The National Trust was founded to protect the best of our heritage for ever .
9 We and our daily rhythms can respond to bright light and an appropriate use of this may become part of our armoury for speeding up adjustment of the body clock after a time-zone transition .
10 The scope of our work for the purpose of this report was limited to confirming that the directors are entitled to deliver abbreviated accounts and that the abbreviated accounts have been properly prepared from the full financial statements .
11 On Sunday 6th we have a free day — a much needed respite to enable us to prepare some of our work for the next week — but in the evening we went to dinner with from the embassy , as well as with two senior visitors from London , one from the British Council ( , who is responsible for all Chinese visits ) and one from the Foreign Office .
12 Mr Carroll W. Collins requested the pleasure of our company for a ranch party , in Western dress , at Texas Lil 's Diamond A Ranch .
13 As we reach the end of 1993 , and before we start on the challenges which the new year will bring , I want to express my thanks and appreciation to you , as members of our Company for your contribution to our business over the last year .
14 Part of our case for the Radio News Network is that we must do better about telling our country about itself , not just in terms of law or education but also in terms of science , technology , medicine , the environment and an area where I personally have a great commitment — and that is coverage of business and our economy on which all our futures depend .
15 The scientific journal , printed on paper , has been an integral part of our culture for three hundred years .
16 By 7 September 1992 an ICM poll was showing that only 24 per cent of the British electorate wanted ‘ to exchange some of our sovereignty for closer ties with Europe ’ , while 76 per cent wanted ‘ to leave Britain as a trading partner with the rest of Europe ’ .
17 Understanding this modernity is the prerequisite , the necessary intelligence work if you will , of our struggle for the modern world .
18 Realising we were meeting a real need in our ageing area , we have embarked on a ‘ Living with loss ’ training programme to equip several of our church for long term bereavement counselling .
19 Suffering is part of our preparation for the hereafter .
20 This suggests as much as a triple purpose in Kant 's analysis of our concern for animals .
21 Sometimes we get feedback : in the 1991 campaign on Morocco , over 10,000 members sent birthday cards to King Hassan containing a message about human rights ; as part of our campaign for the inclusion of human rights within the National Curriculum , over 3000 letters were written by members to MPs and ministers .
22 If to that we add both the structured dependency which was earlier described , in which social policies and practices discriminate against them in matters crucial to their well-being ( such as housing , income and transport ) , and the personal indignities of physical and social dependence , we must surely put at the top of our agenda for care a determination to assess realistically , yet sensitively , what is the best balance that can be achieved in the present circumstances of that old person .
23 That system will now come into operation , and will be available for the defence of our country for many years .
24 To help in discovering the organisation and the capabilities of our faculty for perceiving speech , we need to be able to produce very small and finely-controlled differences in speech sounds , and experimental phonetics has made much use of speech produced by machines called speech synthesisers .
25 But according to Christopher Holmes-smith of the Timber Trades Federation , the NHIS sent ‘ not a terribly large ’ cheque to sir Arthur Norman in October of last year ‘ as a sign of our support for what they are attempting to do . ’
26 ‘ It is an example of our support for a variety of worthy causes around the country . ’
27 We have told the United Nations Secretary-General of our support for his efforts to resolve the problems in East Timor .
28 My right hon. Friends and I are currently seeking the views of interested parties on a package of measures designed to enhance environmental aspects of our support for hill farming .
29 Then it certainly was the influence of Picasso ; you know , the greatest artist of our century for me .
30 What then are the implications of our experiment for the questions that we raised in our introductory remarks ?
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