Example sentences of "[prep] [unc] and the " in BNC.

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1 From the points plotted in figure 6.1 , the relationship between β and the variability of the unanticipated component of monetary growth is a downward-sloping one .
2 The structural similarity between GH5 and the DNA-binding domain of CAP suggests that GH5 and CAP are related proteins .
3 This is almost all that can be gleaned from broadly contemporary written sources about the Danish monarchy between c.950 and the accession c.987 of Swegen Forkbeard , who conquered England in 1013 , and whose son Cnut ruled it for nineteen years .
4 About er and the next one comes up
5 Electronic records remain a problem as far as evidential law is concerned because there are questions of admissibility[3] and the value or weight the court will give to such records .
6 For a photon the left-hand side of eqn(8.1) and the equivalent of eqn ( 8.7 ) is for light rays travelling in the equatorial plane .
7 The structure of OS/400 and the hardware are being remodelled not only to look and behave more like Unix , but actually be more like Unix ; with commitment to support the four basic level Posix standards , 1003.1 to 1003.4 , IBM says Posix will be central to the re-design of OS/400 , built into the licensed internal code beneath the machine interface level .
8 This is despite Plan for Action 's estimate of 2.8% and the Department of Health 's commitment to an expansion of only 2% a year .
9 FIG. 3 Comparison of the structures of GH5 and the DNA-binding domain of the catabolite gene activator protein .
10 Superpositions with domain 1 of CD4 and the V - domain of the Bence-Jones protein REI ( ref.33 ) are shown in Fig. 4 a and b .
11 It has also helped in studying the kinetics of SNS+ cycloaddition reactions with nitriles , by monitoring , as a function of time , the diminishing reduction peak of SNS+ and the increasing peak of the 1,3 compound .
12 The deletion leads to the fusion of the 5' region of ND1 and the 3' region of ND5 .
13 Inclusion of the minor reactivity in the PCNA assay gave a mean proliferation index of 9.1% and the correlation failed to be significant .
14 Figure 1 C and D show the general organization of pAcAB4 and the nucleotide sequence of its promoter cassette .
15 The terminological association of conducteur and the verb battre la mesure by the Prince de Monaco was to continue .
16 The aim of this study was to determine whether there is any correlation between the serum concentration of 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one and the result of the SeHCAT test .
17 An analysis of Minor Project proposals confirms that documentation is in general short — no more than two or three sides of A4 and the scope of current library awareness and the use reflected in them reveals that a higher proportion of Minor than of Major award schools claim to have already established library skills programmes .
18 N-acetyl-5ASA is the major metabolite of 5ASA and the primary site of metabolism is probably the colonic mucosa .
19 c-Myc was then activated by addition of β -oestradiol to a final concentration of 2μM and the cells were monitored by time-lapse cinemicroscopy at a rate of 12 frames per hour .
20 The total amount of ATF1 and the amount of ATF1 that is complexed with CREB are substantially reduced following differentiation .
21 In summary these results demonstrate that both the total amount of ATF1 and the amount of ATF1 that is directly associated with CREB are reduced following differentiation of F9 cells .
22 Alternative ( indirect ) models are less probable than a direct contact model involving the C-terminal part of α and the 156–162 loop of CRP at lac .
23 Under the impressed constant voltage , the inductor current raises linearly to a peak magnitude Î L ( if saturation is avoided ) which is dependent upon the value of L1 and the time T O N during which the switch remains closed .
24 In radiographs this is seen as a widening of more than 3 mm in the space between the anterior arch of C1 and the odontoid .
25 Approximately equivalent amounts of VT2X and the corresponding Vmw175 DNA binding domain peptide I9X ( 31 ) were incubated with IE-3 promoter and gene 62 promoter probes and the resultant complexes analyzed by gel retardation assays .
26 Each of these values would be given a weight of ¼ and the sum of these values would be the forecast .
27 Constable II received a fine of 40&shilling. and the loss of his additional good conduct increment under Police Regulations 58 and 61 of 2/6d. per week until such period of not less than one year , when he might again satisfy his superiors of his zeal , efficiency and truthfulness …
28 The substitution of G10 to A10 ( a204 ) completely abolished the formation of Q34 and the same was observed for the insertion of C47 in the variable loop ( a209 and a215 ) .
29 The return on the portfolio consisting of security1 and the market portfolio may be expressed as , and the risk of the portfolio return as , .
30 We found a highly significant correlation between the catalytic activity of PLA2 and the concentration of syn-PLA2 , but not pan-PLA2 , in serum from patients with severe acute pancreatitis in the present study .
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