Example sentences of "[prep] [be] at the " in BNC.

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1 After being at the Refuge on Saturday she woke early on Sunday morning , head crowded with things that needed thinking about and sorting out .
2 He finds it difficult to cope after being at the top as a player through natural talent .
3 it must of been at the end in the autumn at , at least of fifty one
4 Well we 're looking forward to that one because Kings Lynn , who 've sort of been at the bottom of the league for some time , have really put an interesting looking side together .
5 A system of retention ratios at least gives exporters part of the benefits due to them , since they are assured of most of their import needs , and can sell any surplus foreign exchange on the black market to other enterprises , who also benefit by being able to obtain foreign exchange at a price instead of being at the mercy of administrative decisions by bureaucrats .
6 There was a sense of importance , of being at the heart of things .
7 No 3225 Set by Watson Weeks Following the TV exposé of the horrors/miracle of being at the school founded by A S Neill , could we have a Speech Day address by the principal of Summerhill ; an explanation by a parent of why they have chosen it ; or a statement by a former pupil of the advantages gained by a Summerhill education .
8 Instead of being at the controls , he was desperately clinging on while the engines , at full throttle , thrust the boat violently from side to side as a host of faction fighters wrestled to grab the wheel — or in most cases to avoid touching it .
9 Instead of being at the top , they were being concentrated in middle management , where all the hard detailed work had to be done .
10 As I read , I am struck again by the laibon 's sense of being at the centre of the universe .
11 There is now no doubt that those societies who were not represented will deeply regret the step they adopted , for those would-be representatives have missed having had the honour of being at the best gathering ever held in the annals of the deaf and dumb . "
12 The logo and style are designed to reflect the best traditions of the Board and its policy of being at the leading edge of education for industry and commerce internationally .
13 I do n't know how this happened , but er erm a piece of wood or something fell and hit him on the back of the neck and woke him up and he woke up from the vivid dream of being at the time of the French Revolution , of being lead up the guillotine and having his head chopped off .
14 In the end my parents agreed that I could go up for one year instead of being at the Royal College of Music .
15 It 's like being at the sea , early in the morning with the seagulls and the sea pounding away and the fresh air .
16 It was like being at the source of the lightning .
17 It is rather like being at the Court of Elizabeth 1 .
18 It was like being at the edge of the world .
19 It was just like being at the cinema , but it 's just like being , it 's just like being in the room again , because of the conversation 's back .
20 THE single market in Europe 's financial services is supposed to come into being at the end of 1992 .
21 ‘ The battle ’ hovers over the individual actions like in incorporeal cloud , distinct from them , but at the same time making up a surface of their meaning-effect , a simulacrum that brings the event into being at the moment when language and event coincide .
22 They all come into being at the same time .
23 A two-thirds majority will be necessary to bring the new set-up into being at the beginning of the 1994-95 season , but last night a Premier Division chairman claimed to know of three others from the top 12 who would , along with his club , vote against the proposal .
24 Right , now if you do n't interact right you 're not gon na get a result and if the customer does not interact with you , then you 're not gon na get a result , right , now if you assume that as you 're working your way through that appointment that your enthusiasm is passing across to the customer or anybody else who is in the room , right , right , but through that interaction right you 're working towards a result , now if you go and come out of that office , about his , with a result , you 'll know you 'll know what you 're getting next week or next month you got ta I mean the customer 's got ta be at the
25 Professionals ' self-esteem had been founded upon being at the top of the manual wages pyramid .
26 It is likely , however , that at least 40% and possibly more of gas demand will by then be imported but as with oil the Netherlands will continue to benefit from being at the hub of European energy supply .
27 But we are far from being at the end of the chain of slimming benefits that are achieved by a diet rich in natural fibre .
28 About twenty per cent goes on the maintenance of the forces in being at the time .
29 For my part , I think it would be open to the English courts to apply the civil law maxim directly to the situations we have in these two appeals , and treat the two plaintiffs as lives in being at the times of the events which injured them as they were later born alive , but it is not necessary to do so directly in view of the effect which the Montreal Tramways case [ 1933 ] 4 D.L.R. 337 has already had in the development of the common law in this field in other common law jurisdictions .
30 Although throughout the preceding century case law decisions had narrowed its scope and denied its extension to any trade not in being at the time of its passage , it had remained nevertheless of great importance as a legitimating symbol of skilled labour 's " rights " .
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