Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [det] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In short , the habitual way of being that so many of us are encouraged to fall into from a very early age is bound to affect our physical , mental and even our spiritual well-being .
2 So Mains did gain the reputation of being some rather grim eminence locked in his southern castle and given to humourless comment about the rugby matters of the day .
3 All I am sure of is that right now I do n't want to be anywhere else in the world but here , with you . ’
4 For we may seem to be many here , but we are few .
5 There are unlikely to be many more than four situations in which the defendant 's case will rest on an application of the decision in Morgan , because his belief in consent was honest , though unreasonable .
6 One problem is that there do not seem to be many potentially blue-chip names in the pipeline , ready to join what is now a severely restricted group .
7 Well it 's to be all really that somebody can make a use of these things in n it ?
8 It 's going to be all so smooth because they 've had three hour training .
9 This conclusion is controversial ; a legal issue does not cease to be such simply because the term in question is open to a range of possible meanings .
10 It seems to be that only during the period of very rapid growth .
11 That seemed to be that then .
12 Clearwell Castle , Gloucestershire ( c .1728 ) is a unique building , with no affinity either to the contemporary medievalizing modes of Sir John Vanbrugh and Nicholas Hawksmoor [ qq.v. ] or to the subsequent rococo Gothic of William Kent [ q.v. ] ; while Inveraray Castle , by contrast , was to be another immensely influential creation , standing at the head of a whole series of castle-style houses throughout the eighteenth century .
13 It was going to be another unusually wind free day when islanders take the opportunity to tie down any loose facings and fencings before the furies of winter .
14 Something ( like the weather ) will have to go badly wrong if this is not to be another extremely profitable season for the Test and County Cricket Board .
15 Her turquoise swimsuit was already being remorselessly dispensed with , and as further protests were silenced by Guy 's laughing mouth covering hers , and her writhing body was explored by his skilful fingers , the laughter was replaced by something much more urgent and potent , as Guy tossed the clinging garment aside , and spread-eagled his wife with breathtaking impatience across the towel , proceeding to demonstrate an audacious variation on what promised to be another perfectly designed performance …
16 It was going to be another long , hot , tedious day with nothing to do .
17 It was going to be another long , hot , boring day .
18 Er , it used to be those over eighty , but it 's been reduced to those over seventy five .
19 Examinations need to be carried out only at infrequent intervals and in most cases only those aspects of the product or container that are known to be those most likely to undergo change need be examined .
20 As for the lads — it just had to be those gorgeously groomed guys Jason Priestly and Luke Perry , stars of Beverly Hills 90210 .
21 These tend to be those least capable of caring for a child , or those bearing a foetus with malformations for which the diagnosis is time-consuming .
22 The stated aims of the organisation continue to be those originally associated with the NFoL , namely : ‘ the advancement and propagation of the Christian Gospel in particular as it bears on or affects national or individual morality and ethics ’ .
23 First of all , there seem to be several quite different types of trial dependent on the experience of the teacher in various respects .
24 Descartes , who had a vigorously mechanical view about most things , believing the soul to be some largely discarnate entity entirely disassociated from the processes of living , saw animals through that same mind-filter .
25 It proved to be some extremely strong wine he had hidden .
26 There are likely to be some nationally based organizations which will be deviant cases in terms of some or other dimension of the imperatives , if only because of the effects of more specific organization contingencies of size or technology , neither of which are considered here .
27 I it strikes me that there seems to be some really muddled thinking erm coming from the District Council , erm with real sort of erm er erm contradictions .
28 Ever since the Which ? team carried out what I considered to be some very unscientific trials comparing blood , fish and bone fertiliser with Growmore a while ago , I have been suspicious of their methods .
29 That means making what might have to be some very difficult decisions affecting longstanding practices and even loyalties that have developed over many years .
30 One contributor pointed out that there does n't seem to be any very good reason for the bill .
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