Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [conj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He did not compromise easily , but was willing to accept less than he had hoped for rather than to make no gain at all .
2 Not glass to reflect a bit of the world , but a crystal ball to look into so as to understand the world .
3 If you believe that Hollis was a Russian agent then the Crabb affair fits neatly into the jigsaw but , as so often happens in the intelligence world , the same set of facts can be tinkered and tailored with so as to fit any preconceived belief .
4 It gave her meat for now and to smoke for the winter , and a jacket , stinking but warm .
5 His aims were ‘ to prevent mental illusions due to false ideas from within and to prevent false teaching from other fellows ’ .
6 The system posed some obstacles to the monarch 's freedom of appointment , but it reflected above all the nobles ' concern to benefit from rather than to limit the power of the State .
7 In a speech to representatives of the Moscow gentry in March 1856 he announced that it was better to abolish serfdom from above than to wait until it began to abolish itself from below .
8 It is better to begin abolishing serfdom from above than to wait for it to begin to abolish itself from below .
9 It is better to abolish serfdom from above than to await the day when it will begin to abolish itself from below .
10 The Soviet Union was doing everything possible to ‘ prevent interference from outside and to neutralise attempts at such interference ’ in socialist countries undergoing dramatic political change in Eastern Europe , notably East Germany .
11 Yeah , tell them there are children and women in here and to call it off .
12 Stephen had ordered some sophisticated German industrial kitchen fittings from a supplier based in Venezuela , on the basis that it would be quicker to import from there than to have them shipped direct .
13 Certainly not as bright as here , er sufficient light for me to be able to see that there were people in there and to differentiate between a man and a woman but er at that time not enough to be able to clearly define anybody .
14 In Robert Robson 's view , Mayfest 's main functions are to provide a platform for major Scottish work , to play host to quality work from overseas and to celebrate community initiatives .
15 With a view to aiding the assessment of a patient 's progress there are a few simple guidelines that can be followed ; for cure to be taking place the disease should go from within to without , from organs of greater importance to lesser importance , from above to below and to disappear in the reverse order to their original appearance .
16 Any sort of boat could have been used to ferry a body to midstream and to put it gently over the side in darkness .
17 The Wimbledon midfield player should have decided by yesterday whether to appeal against his record £20,000 fine for his part in the video ‘ Soccer 's Hard Men ’ .
18 The Wimbledon midfielder should have decided by yesterday whether to appeal against a record £20,000 fine for his part in the video , ‘ Soccer 's Hard Men ’ .
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