Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] must [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Let Ephraim Cook keep the business in order for Amabel and Gemma , and whoever came after them must take care of themselves .
2 Then the young woman laughed merrily , her voice strengthening after what must have been years of silence , and the whole strange cellar rang with that laughter , and the glass fragments tinkled like broken bells .
3 I suspect you were disguised as a personable young man , a merry companion for the Gascons , after what must have been a long and gruelling journey .
4 On telephoning the surgery , I discovered that before a cremation can take place the death certificate has to be signed by two doctors — one of whom must come from outside the area .
5 Since then , the mill ( which is not open to the public ) has been visited by a large number of interested bodies , all of whom must have been greatly impressed with this tale of hard work , expense and perseverence .
6 Each individual cuckoo nestling is descended from a long line of ancestral cuckoo nestlings , every single one of whom must have succeeded in manipulating its foster-parent .
7 Salvidge proposed to delete these insulting words but could not even find a seconder ; nine MPs were present , including Younger , Sanders and Neville Chamberlain , all of whom must have approved of the resolution or seen the futility of attempting to amend it .
8 Ahead of me was an elliptical circle of maybe twenty people , the combined ages of whom must have seventy score and ten .
9 Everything Fiona and Tremayne believed of me must have looked inevitable at that moment .
10 One of them must do it . ’
11 People of opposing political views can live together , as can people of different religions , until something happens to make them meet head-on , and then one of them must give way .
12 A further great grievance that exists in this force in the Division where I am is that the Section Sergeant dare not enter any Station while he is on duty unless he signs the main station book ; yet the plain clothes P.C.s and Detective Constables , and even uniform P.C.s can go into the Station as often as they think and there is no order that any of them must sign in and out .
13 Each of them must tread on and on , a ceaseless , bone-grinding trudge , if they did not want to be taken up and up by the gyrating treadmill into the clanking , turning cogs in the roof and ground to dust between the pinions .
14 The letter " 0 " has many lines of symmetry though all of them must pass through the centre of the letter .
15 Many of them must have ended up in a British soldier 's mess-tin .
16 There were plenty of people in the pub , and some of them must have overheard Dennis 's vicious mockery of our suggested alternatives , a walk on Shotover or Otmoor , for example .
17 Apart from the household staffs , many of them must have stayed on since it was the houses themselves that were dissolved , not their economic base , the estates .
18 According to Eadmer there were over sixty in about 1080 , and a high proportion of them must have been Englishmen of the old foundation .
19 At the same time it must be remembered that the occupations of a quarter of the inhabitants were not stated ; some of them must have been farmers , and it is quite conceivable that many of the omissions were the result of uncertainty as to whether or not to class the persons in question as agricultural or industrial .
20 Some of them must have been terrifying .
21 Some of them must have been on there .
22 The story that one of them must have told a Daily Sketch reporter a year later was that sitting in a West End club and finding the cold unbearable they had decided to go somewhere warm .
23 Many of them must have died in infancy and childhood , but we have no data on deaths before 1951 .
24 We 're looking for the funny , the beautiful , the weird and the wonderful , family pictures and holiday snaps , but each of them must have that little extra something … .
25 As for the countryside , the main complaint of the wage labourer was of underemployment and at certain seasons of the agricultural calendar many of them must have wished they did not have time on their hands .
26 And there was the beds that was there there was beds were still in that bothy and there was there were three of them must have been in the bed you see , and then there was a a board that they slipped in half up the bed and there was a a mattress or whatever on that and another three on that .
27 The law sees the case as no different in principle from dealing with a murder in a street by prosecuting everyone who lives in that street , on the basis that one of them must have done it .
28 One of them must have been , loads of make-up ?
29 Five year students , they gave a party for them the other evening about fifty of them must have turned up .
30 He does n't seem to be embarrassed by anything , except when you try to provoke him by telling him that surely he must thump his desk once in a while , or that although he says that a record company exists ‘ to guide your artists ’ most of them must hate him at some point .
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