Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] than just " in BNC.

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1 All through that October and November , in my claustrophobic college room or in my dark-curtained hotel apartment , I grew to desire more of him than just his presence at my side as we wrote .
2 She might , heaven forbid , allow herself to fall for him , and suffer the fate of the last three nurses whom he had rejected , according to Victoria , after they had expected more from him than just mild flirtation .
3 And I actually found that it was , it was better to actually talk to them than just send them
4 That 's much more important to me than just having someone recognise my style .
5 You were always something more to me than just my big brother .
6 During this month I led the life for which I had always yearned hunting big game on my own in the wilds of Africa ; but now I realized that this expedition had meant more to me than just the excitement of hunting .
7 Alyssia took a deep breath to steady her nerves , and then said unsteadily , ‘ Nicole is more to you than just a friend , is n't she ?
8 Is there a man out there with more to him than just the change in his pockets ?
9 Rourke was more to her than just an employer .
10 The architect Richard MacCormac said , ‘ I believe there is a danger that classicism is being used as a cure-all architectural pill , when architecture has got a lot more to it than just putting in columns and capitals .
11 She said there must be more to it than just worrying about wanting a small waist , and she was right : out it came .
12 There was more to it than just a change of style .
13 You see , I think there was much more to it than just the fact that they were childless . ’
14 He claimed there was nothing more to it than just picture-taking . ’
15 It implies there 's something more to it , more to it than just a standard bug I must say .
16 ‘ I 'm sure it is n't as bad as that , ’ said Greg , who was n't who was , in fact , marvelling at the effect of three weeks of Viola , and wondering whether there could n't be more to it than just that .
17 It 's not wrong or odd to be different , in fact it 's far wiser to think things out for yourself than just to blindly and unthinkingly follow the crowd .
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