Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] up to " in BNC.

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1 In 198l there was a government White Paper entitled New Training Initiatives which set out the aims of these schemes : to develop skill-training , to provide further education or work-related training for everyone up to the age of 18 , and to offer adults the chance to update their skills .
2 They could raise between them up to ten thousand men in that great remote province ; and at the same time assail the western Douglas strength .
3 A more commonly cited figure , however , was of total casualties of 100,000 , of whom up to 35,000 might have been killed .
4 He had only to pick one of them up to be transported back to the time and place of its acquisition .
5 One of the interesting things that I do is go every so often and talk to groups of British civil servants who are going to spend some of them a week some of them up to six weeks on an exchange visit erm with the French civil service , in an attempt to learn a certain amount erm about how the system works , both so that they will be able to understand more easily when it comes to joint erm ventures , joint matters , joint policies , what the other side is doing and the pressures within which it 's operating , and also so that sometimes they may be able to learn things , and pick up useful tips and hints about the way to handle a particular problem .
6 ‘ What were the two of you up to ? ’
7 Martinho had told them of everything up to the time of his own escape .
8 well I think she 's been fully occupied with your stuff since she came back , she has n't touched any of mine up to last night
9 ‘ Not much evidence of it up to now .
10 Although there was a great deal of debate about education after 1944 , much of it up to 1951 focused on the eradication of class differences , not gender differences , in an endeavour to build a more buoyant economy and develop a substantial welfare state .
11 At present , the NSA employs over 20,000 people , with a secret budget of anything up to $4 billion a year .
12 This is sunk to a depth of anything up to forty feet , on a lead-core line , and towed behind a slowly moving boat , fingers crossed .
13 Once a strip of new ocean floor has been formed , and acquired its magnetic recording , nothing further happens to it , but it continues to move away slowly from the ridge , at a rate of anything up to several centimetres per year .
14 When people such as Martin , consult me not in order to seek help in overcoming a particular problem , but to help them to understand themselves , their motivation and their spiritual journey better , I do not see the patient at weekly or fortnightly intervals but leave gaps of anything up to six or eight weeks between visits .
15 They could therefore spend a considerable period of time in the towers , in full uniform , in temperatures of anything up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit , or more .
16 The Commission can suspend or disbar any person from the securities industry ; require disgorgement of profits ; and impose penalties of anything up to three times the illicit gains made on the insider trades .
17 Added to these costs , a bidder will have to pay a premium over the current market value of the target 's shares of anything up to fifty per cent in order to gain control .
18 ‘ After they gave up twelve-furrow work — when the machines came in — they went in for flat-work , wide stetches , even on the heaviest land , of anything up to eighteen yards .
19 The result can be a solid block of pallets of anything up to 10,000 in number .
20 They can have maturity dates of anything up to 189 days , and of course by their nature are not easily controlled by suppliers .
21 The sows commence pregnancy after a delayed implantation of fertilised eggs of anything up to nine months .
22 Nearly , you were in nearly alright , I 'll play it for you up to there ready it goes like this one , two , three , four , one , two , three , four , and this is this bit , one , two , three , four , one , two , three , four
23 while I think of it , you owe Maggie thirty one pound ninety five P , I 've paid thirty pound for you up to now
24 Whether Americans have more money than sense or are just plain lazy is hard to tell , but they pay A-1 and others like them up to $1,000 a time to take their automobiles from A to B.
25 He guaranteed his windows against everything up to a BlastMaster minimissile , but you were usually too dead to complain if he supplied you with defective merch .
26 What else was there to do ? she thought miserably as she squelched behind him up to the bathroom .
27 Guaranteed sound against anything up to a direct hit in the eyeball with a ScumStopper bullet .
28 Tim , just come with me up to the toilet for a minute .
29 Combined with its up to the minute styling , these justify our claim that the Leisure 200-S offers modern looks to match its modern features .
30 In a letter to all white collar and manual workers , chief executive Roger Davies is asking the over-50s to consider an early retirement scheme under which up to ten added years benefits are being offered if people agree to go before June 25 .
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