Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] hold the " in BNC.

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1 He held the office until Safar 924/February 1518 when he was succeeded by two Damascene scholars in turn , who between them held the post until 927/1521 ; then by two Ottomans , in turn , until 930/1524 ; and then again by one of the Damascenes who had earlier held the post , this time holding it from 930/1524 to 936/1530 when he was removed , apparently for misconduct .
2 Moreover having gone as far as this I do not believe that it would be possible for me to hold the line and refuse to answer any further questions about the composition and activities of the Committees .
3 Under arrest on suspicion since October 1990 , the two , both of whom held the rank of general under Communist rule , did not plead guilty when indicted in the Warsaw provincial court on Feb. 11 .
4 While pursuing his family tree he found two Tyacks amongst those who held land in the Cornish manor of Binnerton , one of whom held the office of manorial reeve .
5 Some of them held the Koran over the Shah head , to give him its customary protection on his journey , and wailed as the royal party left by helicopter for the airport .
6 The first gerrymander of the city occurred in 1896 , with the Londonderry improvement Bill ; this created five electoral wards , one of which held the bulk of the city 's Catholics , and enabled the Unionists to have a majority in the others .
7 One of you hold the receiver and the other one do the numbers .
8 Except for the matter of who held the weapons , there seemed little distinction between gang members and the scarred , tattooed troopers clad in olive-drab hive tunics hung with amulets .
9 The pilot survived , and a photograph of him holding the swastika emblem removed from the fin of the Heinkel was taken recently , naturally a most emotional experience .
10 It took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dimness , and he remained still , blinking hard , making out the man standing directly in front of him holding the shotgun , while on the stairs to his left another person — a woman ? — was also holding what looked like a small pistol on him .
11 She was so eager to embrace the chance of Ortiz being alive — of him holding the key to Samantha 's freedom — that she shouted the words , rousing the waitress from a slumped reverie by the till .
12 But the memory of him holding the Jules Rimet trophy triumphantly aloft is etched on the memories of millions .
13 None of it held the magic of her communication with Friend ; even here , jacked into the shadows , she ached for him but reason told her she would n't find him , long before she stopped looking .
14 Mill does not explicitly assert this implication of his holding the resemblance doctrine .
15 And every residential social worker knows that I am not exaggerating when I say that after a death has occurred — often alone or with one of us holding the dying resident 's hand — the family will descend like vultures , demanding a complete inventory of all their belongings , ransacking their personal clothes for valuables , and insisting on receiving all that is left of the petty cash .
16 A number of people close by on the summit were busy like me holding the wall up with their backs and their morale up with cheese and onion doorsteps .
17 The provision of efficient services and the involvement of users of the stock market is seen as a vital way in which to hold the market together .
18 Simultaneously the men of the bank support section tugged and pulled their steel wire ropes and tirfor winches into place , to provide anchorages from which to hold the ends of the bridge in the correct depth of water for loading .
19 Leach ( 1977 ) has shown the ephemerality which lies in any attempt to classify deviance on a global scale ; for what is criminal in one society or at one point in time is relative to that time and place and to who holds the discourse on power .
20 It all comes down to who holds the purse strings , and at the point when it comes down to that level , something has gone wrong .
21 Gale underrates what Charles did scientifically ; he also underrates the opposition — he gives no references , for example , to who held the theory of multiple creation , nor to why .
22 If that individual is not its mother but a human foster parent feeding it from a bottle , the lamb imprints on whoever held the bottle .
23 Myles stood beside him holding the oil-lamp aloft , his right hand under Father Poole 's left elbow .
24 Alec stood beside her holding the candlestick .
25 There is only one thing to say about the Home Secretary 's speech : I have heard more intellectual contributions from Lord Waddington on the subject , and I never believed that I would make that statement about anyone holding the office of Home Secretary .
26 Mecdi has certainly taken Taskopruzade to mean that Molla Fenari held the posts simultaneously , for he adds to Taskopruzade 's statement about his holding the offices the sentence : " He united the aforementioned posts at one time . "
27 However , it can be possible for the documents to be signed after you have sent a payment by cheque provided that you arrange for us to hold the cheque and not pay it into the bank until we have received the signed Deed of Covenant .
28 Responses to extreme forms of the debt crisis are also conditioned by who holds the debt , how much they are hurt and their power to take avoiding action .
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