Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] going [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Do you think that there 's any scope for perhaps going down that road in the future ?
2 Wilson , of 8th Signals , Catterick Garrison , had just bought it after deliberately going in search of the drug because he wanted to try it , the court martial was told .
3 ‘ Thomas White , a tippler , for keeping shuffle board play ’ came before the Court during the stern days of the Commonwealth , while in 1666 were charged , ‘ John Parson , James his son , Stephen Parker and Sidney Randall for not going to church on the Lord 's day ’ .
4 ‘ I get criticised for not going to the cinema to see people 's reaction — but I 'm not there to review the audience . ’
5 And they would be a coward for not going to war .
6 Most men and women would be better off for not going to prison at all .
7 So , she 's not one to play on it for not going to school though , so
8 Have you his excuse for not going to Arsenal cos he ca n't handle the tubes .
9 But there 's a price to pay for not going into the market place .
10 So , with a quick flush of guilt for not going in 5 years , I trundled off to downtown Canterbury — quite a way downtown it was too , past Mr Careys bungalow and all the tacky tourist shops .
11 One good reason , if you need one , for not going around the world .
12 It was also the year in which I discovered both sex and death , so I must have learned something , in spite of not going to school .
13 And then I know full well that I 'm well within the guidelines of not going over the thirteen amp that this is designed to operate at maximum efficiency and safety .
14 That is the scheme er as as I see it and unless , unless I I thi , unless that is progressed quickly then as I say I am extremely pessimistic and let me just say Chairman the dangers of not going along that line the dangers of the present scheme which was at the last planning committee meeting or or or was it one of the social services committee anyway , where four were chosen or or it was said choose a small number .
15 Cos she 's gone mad and they put it on her , right , and they , they 're holding her and they 're tapping out of the stage sidewards and she 's sort of like going like this , she , she , thinks all these nice men 'll love me and then like at the end of the show you see them , they 're tapping her out of the studio and putting her into a van and she 's still wearing a straight jacket and smiling at you .
16 So instead of automatically going to the timber yard and buying new timber , how about looking around at potential sources of second-hand timber and giving the poor old environment a helping hand ?
17 Instead of simply going to bed , she insisted on returning , believing that it was her duty to try and fulfil her obligations .
18 But he had felt that he was still the same Mark Underwood , drearily going through the motions of belief instead of drearily going through the motions of disbelief ; that the searing , galvanic experience men called conversion was like an unexploded bomb ticking away inside him .
19 Without employing his own servants as agents and deputies Sadler obviously could not have managed his group of offices ; as it was he complained of seldom going to bed before midnight and generally waking by 4. a.m .
20 the objective of politically going for a class struggle
21 you know , but I mean short of actually going through it , which we 'd no need to , we thought
22 Then he paused before slowly going through it and closing the door quietly after him .
23 The engineering factory in Hertfordshire who conned their staff into working for three weeks without pay before finally going into receivership .
24 A speechwriter 's attempt to compensate for the public relations lapse in not going to the Berlin Wall , Mr Bush 's prime time statement went out on all television channels on Thanksgiving Eve .
25 I did n't used to like going to college once a week .
26 ‘ I 'd say he was a transit airline passenger on a refuelling stop who got off his aeroplane , changed into a pair of overalls in the toilet , drove off with a van-load of baggage , took what he wanted and was back on his plane well within the time his flight was called , to continue his journey without even going through customs .
27 It seems yonks since leeds were last on TV , the pleasure of going down the pub and getting tanked whilst being generally rowdy and watching the footy is a joy to behold , second only to actually going to the game itself … not long to go now …
28 We 've continued to keep a very hard view of the corn exchange and a number of other bodies which we fund , but we 're going to see what actually happens , we 're not going to make blind predictions about savings without actually going into the facts .
29 Taking a deep breath , Grant darted forward from the concealment of the bushes , keeping as low as possible without actually going on all fours .
30 Oh Serlison High , I cut through there going to , when I 'm going to work .
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