Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] a " in BNC.

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1 Like the crooks pursued by the hero in Calling Bulldog Drummond ( 1951 ) , for whom ‘ life in peacetime seemed unbearably flat ’ , or the ex-officers who take over their old ship for smuggling runs across the Channel in the Ship that Died of Shame ( 1955 ) , or The League of Gentlemen ( 1960 ) , for whom robbing a bank promises their ‘ finest hour ’ , many filmmakers seemed to feel that there was nothing to do , now the war was over and the hopes of peace had faded , than go back to the site of old glories .
2 About my neck a sylke scarfe do I tye .
3 I made during my year a number of lasting friendships , some of which have actually turned into professional assistance in different parts of the country , and the fact that people genuinely enjoy meeting each other is shown by the annual reunions which take place , entirely at the personal expense of the individuals , which demonstrate the bond of friendship which our Institute can bring about .
4 It did go through my mind a few times , but at the time it does n't seem that important .
5 To do this he sent me to another sort of specialist who inserted through my neck a needle containing blue dye , guided it with the help of a television screen into the top of my spinal cord and then watched its progress as it trickled down .
6 I dare to go further : some of the most gifted and earnest among my contemporaries — I think of Edgar Dowers in the United States and Geoffrey Hill in the United Kingdom ( though I except Hill 's wonderful Mercian Hymns ) — fall short of pleasing me as they might , because they seem not to have followed this rule of thumb , and their language is habitually for my taste a shade , or several shades , too grandiloquent or ‘ literary ’ .
7 ‘ Simon used to work for my father a few years ago , but he … ’
8 At least there should not be a reccurrence of this particular accident — the day after my crash a white cross appeared on the new ‘ runway ’ .
9 The family say I take after my mother a great deal in that she could make do and be happy .
10 However , 2 rounds after its appearance a very dramatic change flares around it : if the adventurers have backed off this is no problem for them , if they have n't ( e.g. , fear effects have caused people to be rooted to the spot , they 're trying to talk to the Ghost , etc ) then the spirit is a dangerous opponent .
11 Mrs Cummings ' daughter-in-law was similar to , though less antagonistic than , Mrs Kitchener 's daughter , in that she said she found looking after her mother-in-law a strain , that it was time-consuming , and putting a strain on her marriage ; she and her mother-in-law had never got on very well , and she ‘ would like to get her into a Home , ’ .
12 After her defeat a distressed Jennifer rushed past her father , ‘ cutting him dead ’ according to one writer .
13 The revelation comes after speculation that the Princess was receiving assistance after her speech a few weeks ago at an eating disorders conference .
14 Gould had escaped just in time : a week after his departure a deluge of rain hit the Namoi plains , and the flash-flood that followed wrought havoc on the countryside .
15 When Robert Burrows first became a Christian he had been working on a banana plantation , but some time after his conversion a Salvationist family gave him work on their dairy farm .
16 ( b ) It prevents the overlooking of such standard matters of enquiry as the existence of undischarged mortgages , covenants for production covering all the title deeds which will not be handed over , the proper stamping of documents , etc. ( c ) It makes the dictation of requisitions on title hours or days after your examination a simple matter ( although preferably this should be done at once — one bite at the cherry ) , and obviates the chance of missing any points you observed on investigation .
17 The deep grey eyes were shadowed , but she did n't miss the glitter in their depths as they skimmed her vivid party make-up and party clothes , brief ivory skirt revealing the length of her legs , the matching top moulded to proud breasts , the emerald of the silky , fringed shawl tied tightly about her waist a bright splash of colour between the two .
18 For there was about her cage a silence and stillness so great that it seemed as if she had disappeared .
19 A baby is still fighting for her life a week after being critically injured in a road accident in Teesdale .
20 The difficulty of interpreting such information is highlighted though by the fact that this educated elite , two-thirds of whom had been to public schools and universities , chose as their leader a man who had been to neither .
21 Both interpretations of liberalism take as their starting-point a commitment to the value of individual liberty .
22 During her time a remarkable change came over the attitude of authorities towards the care of the elderly .
23 At last Finnan stopped before a high stone house that had as its sign a serpent twisted round a staff .
24 The helmet-plate centre had as its motif a Chinese dragon with a laurel wreath .
25 On Pebble Island , a great bay called Elephant Bay has as its border a sandy beach no less than seven kilometres in length .
26 Among Chrétien 's works was a romance , Lancelot , written at Marie 's request , which took as its hero a man who had an illicit affair with the wife of his lord , King Arthur .
27 The compelling need to experiment with alternative solutions in order to resolve the dilemma of his personal predicament had as its counterpart a light-hearted , seemingly casual participation in role-playing and disguise , techniques of escaping temporarily from an oppressive situation .
28 Such a picture is of necessity tragic , and this " tragic " dialectical interaction between the objective social forces crushing men and women in their everyday lives , and the dynamic subjective response of those same men and women refusing to be crushed , has as its counterpart a " tragic " dialectical interaction between revolutionary writer and oppressed reading public .
29 It is indicative of the pressure to conform to gender-coded standards that The Dear Deceit , the most serious and most personal of her first four novels , has as its protagonist a lone male suffering from an identity crisis over his patronym .
30 It was the planet with the central orbit in a system that had as its focus a symbol of the living God : the most resplendent sun in the universe .
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