Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Those who were kind now would remember him in future — if for nothing else than the thank-you letters .
2 The expense would all go for nothing now because the Emperor had just rewritten the social calendar .
3 It was a childhood where she wanted for nothing materially but everything emotionally .
4 Surely you see a difference between me , who wrote long , incoherent , and enthusiastic letters , enjoyed perfectly the songs of birds and the sight of a sundown , believed in the possibility of perfect happiness , perfect beauty , perfect purity , and a perfect world , all perfected , too , by that thing Nature which was so real to me ; a difference between me then and thus , and what I am now , dull unenthusiastic , unimaginative , but more coherent and prudent , though still imprudent enough to write such things as that Sonnet , which even you esteem bad , I think … .
5 So provides section 16 of the Partnership Act , 1890 , and the words have a comfortingly assured ring about them even though long and intimate acquaintance with that Act suggests that comfort will be impaired if here as at other points in the Act one indulges in deeper reflection ; and reflection need not go very deep before one becomes uneasy , because if one takes the words of section 16 into unqualified acceptance and seeks to apply them in practical situations , one does not have to envisage a great number of such situations to find some where the uncritical acceptance of section 16 will lead to manifest absurdity .
6 Maureen said : ‘ I did n't think about them again until that psychic woman asked for them , but it was only after I had given them to her I realized they were n't his at all .
7 It is much cheaper to spend a little longer thinking about them beforehand and getting them right the first time rather than the second , third or fourth time around .
8 And what irritates me about them more than anything is the artificial device that actors somehow compete one with the other for the prize .
9 The dull red glow was all about them now and the baleful light fell across the Robemaker 's cloaked figure so that , although his face remained hidden , Nuadu caught the glitter of his eyes , red and inverted and , despite the belching heat , he felt ice close about his heart .
10 I heard about them long before I came to live here .
11 But there 's two ways of getting them off if they do latch on to you , one is to burn them off with a cigarette or a match and the other way is to use rock salt , and if you put rock salt on them they then just come off so that 's a little bit erm more humane for the leeches but it depends what you feel about them really as to whether you want to give them another chance .
12 And then there were the the dose was reduced and then I had to come off them altogether and after twenty nine years of dieting unsuccessfully I gave up dieting and I have n't put on any weight since I gave up dieting !
13 You come quick off them though if you 're not wondering if you 're not watching what 's happening you come off sh
14 I speak for everyone here when I say we wish you all the best , and hope that for you ( pause ) ‘ the best is yet to come ’ .
15 It was far too dangerous to remain where he was , not only for him but for everyone else as well .
16 The changes aim to improve the high quality of our health service for everyone now and into the next century .
17 Returning to learning is not easy for everyone especially if you 've had time out to bring up your kids .
18 The trial was an ordeal for everyone directly or indirectly involved .
19 ‘ I hate it when people talk about me rather than to me .
20 She was still talking about me rather than to me , so in a way I was glad I had n't used any of my real names .
21 In particular , the ERCs fail in some cases to rehabilitate the men and women who pass through them largely because it is not their physical disablement but their attitude that is handicapping them in returning to normal working life , and the ERCs are not really equipped to change these attitudes .
22 There has never been any difficulty finding the facts in Northern Ireland — the news media comb through them relentlessly and university libraries are crammed full of academic literature on the troubles .
23 But they could lie safely among them for as long as they liked , and they could move through them easily and unseen .
24 Kopyion , appearing not to notice him , continued collecting messages , reading through them quickly and then shredding them .
25 Indenbaum offered him some old pictures to paint over , but Modigliani picked carefully through them so as not to paint over any painting , however unimportant , which showed a hint of talent .
26 All this was not dull thought ; it flashed through me vividly as living truth which I perceived directly , almost without thought process .
27 A chill passed through me then and my mind raced to reason out what I was seeing .
28 They made me feel of some value again and the warmth was flooding through me long before the kettle had boiled on the iron stove in the corner .
29 One of the things that was popular was that the smaller things like rabbit clubs when people could then get food for them officially if they did that .
30 They have every right to be different — it 's very presumptuous of us to invent personalities for them simply because we 've seen them act on a cinema screen , but it can still be a shock when they 're not as you 'd hoped .
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