Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [pers pn] might " in BNC.

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1 Had we known about them we might have paid more attention to the findings of the crime survey which suggested a quite extraordinary level of public support for what is now dismissed as the ‘ political rhetoric ’ of the social worker .
2 It could be argued that they might help to identify him , but it was felt that they might relate to another crime and that if we started talking about them it might put whoever was responsible on his guard .
3 They could therefore intercede with him for the living , to whom they might appear , and for whom they might still work miracles .
4 ‘ The one woman for whom I might almost leave my roulette table . ’
5 Cadfael took the key from the porter , who hovered with slightly anxious sympathy , and was relieved to see a delinquent for whom he might be held responsible returning docilely to his prison .
6 Three hundred people say hang round the bar and say , conservation board I 've had lots of letters , well so have I , we 'll get get through them they might cause trouble .
7 ‘ You mean to tell me , ’ Mrs Wilson interrupted , ‘ that you went round every secretarial agency in London asking about someone they might have employed fourteen years before , someone who most likely had changed her name , and you expected to succeed ? ’
8 It was suggested that the plaster should stay on for between four and six weeks after which he might like to think of building up its strength .
9 Much has already been said in the preceding pages about the subsequent progress through the learned hierarchy of the student who chose to become a muderris : with ability , luck , good connections or a combination of the three he would teach through a number of grades of medreses , eventually to turn to the mevleviyet kadiliks through which he might hope to rise ultimately to what had become by the end of the sixteenth century the principal office in the hierarchy , the Muftilik of Istanbul .
10 I had written a particularly tear-jerking script for 1OAB 's ‘ last hour ’ for which we might well have played ‘ Hearts and Flowers ’ as an obbligato .
11 While this spared the Bush Administration from the perils of thinking for itself , or heaven forbid , taking a policy decision for which it might get criticised , it naively ignored the danger that Bonn might have a large axe of its own to grind .
12 You can then apply a similar method to the second major piece of preparation before applying for a job : matching yourself to the job for which you might apply .
13 It 's also worth applying for other jobs that appeal and for which you might have a chance .
14 ( 1 ) An important printed heading for a wide topic ( one for which you might draw a pattern diagram ) can be ringed , or outlined by a rectangle of red lines .
15 Sometimes , another dealer tipped off a director as to the identities of miscreants , so as to curry favour for which he might reap a tangible reward like extra leads .
16 Nor was he the only imperialist of his day of whom it might have been said , as one of his biographers said of him , that he had ‘ a genius for backing into the limelight ’ .
17 In relation to the concept of a new settlement the Department very firmly has an open mind at a time , we 've heard many statements drawing on the various P P G s , and from some of them you might have been excused for thinking that the Department had indeed turned it turned its back on the idea of a n new settlements , knowing that sort of situation we felt it appropriate before the start of this examination to sound out the residents of two Marscham Street
18 And so for each one of them you might 've started by , having got all this , what you could do then is write for each individual element , a tank base , a tank wall a bedroom or a bathroom , you can produce , I would suggest , a little bar chart which might look like that , for one unit .
19 Well I mean if they 've got the key to both might have n't decided on both of them you might as well go and see them .
20 some of them you might just ignore and say Oh I 'm not bothered about that others
21 Ten more of them I might be .
22 We 're nothing , of ourselves we might have thought we had but it was of no value whatsoever , but he took us , he says , now you 're something because you belong to me .
23 But these identities are no longer lurid alibis towards which he might credibly escape ; they are playthings , alternative lives issued under licence by the celebrated author .
24 There is nothing essentially new in thus narrowing the scope of will ; most of mankind throughout most of its history seems to have taken it for granted that they were moved by forces from beyond them and mysterious to them , which might lift them above or drag them below the capacities of which they might presume to be in command ( in Christian theology , the unpredictable visitations of divine grace assisting a will otherwise impotent to resist the Devil ) , and in the present century , ever since Freud demonstrated that the same conception of man could be translated from a religious into a psychological language , we have found ourselves thinking our way back to it .
25 Nor does he consider that animal behaviour might provide us with prototypes of human understanding on the basis of which we might consider something akin to different language-games , reflecting both the similarities and the differences implicit in the respective cases .
26 And it has solved the problem of accommodating Bach 's tessitura , which often extends beyond the capabilities of violin and viola , in an ingenious manner of which we might easily imagine Bach himself to have approved .
27 There are many other products and services available from your bank , some of which you might never need , but some of which you probably will .
28 Finally , there is the Governing Board of the College , of which you might be one of the student representatives .
29 I am trying to set up a seminar on Ethics in Communications ( which may also touch on more general issues of ethics and management ) — do you have any relevant texts of which you might send me a complimentary copy and to which reference could be made in the publicity for what should prove a stimulating event !
30 Jamie is propped up in a neatly made bed on which lie two discarded magazines of which he might have read the covers .
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