Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 Both the saddles off my persecutors ' bikes disappeared one lunchtime , and they had to ride home , as Oliver put it , in ‘ discomfort bordering on danger ’ .
2 Has my right hon. Friend had the opportunity to read the scandalously deceitful national health service trust ballot which was put through my constituents ' letter boxes by Labour-controlled Harlow council — at an expense to the charge payers of £25,000 ?
3 I hope that I can approach the issue as a fighter for my constituents ' interests while at the same time recognising the broader issues .
4 its officials are adequately trained to look after their members ' interests in an efficient and responsible way .
5 It is interesting that both Mrs Pankhurst and Millicent Fawcett only entered public life as feminists after their husbands ' deaths .
6 As a Bank that looks after its customers ' financial welfare , we know just how important the benefits offered by this Plan could be to you as they are paid at a time when you would need real financial help .
7 As a Bank that looks after its customers ' financial welfare , we know just how important the benefits offered by this Plan could be to you as they are paid at a time when you need real financial help .
8 This was the autumn of 1982 , immediately after the Falklands war , and the public image of the Parachute Regiment was in high profile after its members ' achievements in the South Atlantic ; they had won two Victoria Crosses and had fought at Mount Longdon , Goose Green and Wireless Ridge .
9 The first school to take successful legal action to compel its own LEA to provide sufficient accommodation will gain a deserved reputation for looking after its pupils ' interests .
10 And Melanie 's aunt might be important if Loretta was going to pursue this line of inquiry : presumably it was she who had brought up the girl after her parents ' death in the plane crash .
11 She lost two thirds of her blood and was close to death after her grandparents ' two 10-stone great danes suddenly turned on her .
12 In practice , very few Romanians would have recognized Valentin Ceauşescu before his family was exposed to public denunciation after his parents ' fall .
13 ANGUISHED William McGovern , 12 , hanged himself in Wishaw , Lanarkshire , four days after his parents ' divorce .
14 Edgar Linton was still in love with her , and thought himself the happiest man on earth when he married her three years after his parents ' death .
15 Although , long before Johnson , Daniel Defoe found Elgin ‘ a very agreeable place to live in ’ — those gentry not wishing to venture as far as Edinburgh or London came in from the Highlands for the winter — Elgin 's time came later : a half-century after our heroes ' visit , it became a little classical Victorian market town whose streets and suburbs echoed Edinburgh 's New Town in elegance and spaciousness .
16 This ungiving endurance is admired by working-class boys who grow up to write about their mothers ' flinty courage .
17 of business men were less optimistic about their companies ' prospects .
18 However , half of the chief executives polled were optimistic about their companies ' prospects , while only 35 per cent voiced concern .
19 First of all , children were likely to protest about their parents ' departure .
20 Although it was 12 years ago , both vividly remember the day they learned about their parents ' seperation .
21 Glancing up , she caught Ross 's nod and warm smile of approval at the efforts she was making to reassure Emma and Sophie about their parents ' condition .
22 All seven families with a transient result were interviewed to gain their perspective of the programme and ensure they had no lingering doubts about their sons ' health .
23 The others have been very positive about the programme , stating that they preferred to know about their sons ' condition from an early stage .
24 Yet even peasants , bounded through their lives mostly by their immediate vicinity , could sometimes travel further afield , whether pursuing a legal claim , like the Mitry group , or about their lords ' business , like the men of St-Germain-des- Prés who owned transport-services between Anjou and the Paris neighbourhood .
25 However , many of the very same down-trodden , whom Khomeini liked to call the ‘ shoeless ’ , are sceptical about their leaders ' empty promises .
26 Readers of right-wing papers were well aware of their papers ' pro-Conservative and anti-Labour bias though less unanimous about their papers ' anti-Alliance bias .
27 AIRCRAFT unions will today seek assurances about their members ' futures when they meet American buyers of the 125 business jet .
28 Janssen care a great deal about their customers ' people , too .
29 Instructors can be mistaken about their students ' ability to control the initial part properly if one or two launches go well .
30 These contacts will also allow partners to share expertise and to improve their knowledge of the education and training systems of other member states , as well as learning more about their partners ' local communities .
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