Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The head of the figure at the extreme left of the Demoiselles is , like that of her companions in the centre of the picture , expressionless and impassive but now has about it a mask-like quality that recalls a wide variety of African tribal masks in which the component parts of the head and face have about them exactly the same quality of definition , although here the similarities may possibly be simply affinities rather than derivations ; the heads of many of the paintings of late 1906 had also been severe and mask-like although they tend to resemble sculptures in stone , whereas the head of the demoiselle in question looks more wooden in both colour and texture .
2 ‘ Is your view about them today the same as it was then or do you now feel you might have acted differently ? ’
3 Canon Wheeler was inquiring about them only the other week .
4 Cardiff 's concern , as it will be for everyone else the All Blacks play in their seven matches in Wales , five in Ireland and one in England , is that the tourists match the mood of their public back home .
5 A strong man himself , Henry bred strong sons for whom even the great Angevin Empire was too small .
6 These have for long met the needs of groups of people ( from the otherwise homeless poor family to the grant aided student ) for whom neither the public authorities nor the private market has been able to make adequate provision …
7 These days the word ‘ tourist ’ is generally associated with the package holiday-maker who follows a known itinerary and for whom all the arrangements are made by a travel company .
8 If she 'd meant to lie , she 'd have planned the lies ; as it was , it was more like someone else speaking , someone for whom all the tales might be true : the tales of the amorous husband who would not be denied , or even delayed ; of her horrified discovery that her tried and trusted dutch cap had let her down after all these years , of her disappointment that she would not now be able to train as a doctor or run a campaign for more zebra crossings or offer a home to her poor ailing mother ; and then of course there were the medical difficulties , what with her diabetes and the early mongol child that died and all those Caesarians ; and the home where there was n't an inch of space and how the baby would mean eviction and bankruptcy ; and the fear that the baby might be too obviously of mixed-race ; and the over-riding , gut-rending terror that the baby might have royal blood ( of course if ever this got outside these walls there would be no answering for the political consequences for the western world ) and in the circumstances it seemed kind that the child should never be born .
9 Social racism , which is a form of chauvinistic nationalism or tribalism , exists quite independently of the geneticists and biologists for whom alone the term race has some residual scientific validity .
10 And for people for whom only the best will do , the magnificent Eclipse has everything … from hob light to an automatic oven timer .
11 Which took me straight back to my young friend on the terrace , for whom only the numbers count .
12 For example if , unlike the present case , the school could have been filled with boys paying the full fee , the school would have lost the fee income from the places occupied by the children of the taxpayers for whom only the concessionary fee was payable .
13 It refers only to university graduates , whom some employers may assume ( partly on the basis of A level grades ) to be more ‘ able ’ than polytechnic or college ones , and for whom therefore the ‘ screening for ability ’ function of a degree for general graduate employment may be relatively more important ( Gordon 1983 ) .
14 I would be nice to think that if people knew the correct diet for them particularly the correct diet for weight loss , they would simply go and follow it , and that would be the end of obesity .
15 As they moved cautiously towards it , Fenella saw that it had opened for them just the smallest sliver and that beyond it were shards of light .
16 For them maybe the experience is cathartic , but for us , ready-made perfection equals staticity .
17 If he himself has not paid for them then the person who sold him the goods will be able to sue him for the price but will have lost any chance of recovering the goods .
18 For them too the trick is to find a balance between proportionality and the faults voters feel in their form of PR .
19 That is , assuming there will be room for them once the full panoply of testing and assessment is in place .
20 The individual members of the Madeira Club of Savannah , Georgia ( founded in 1776 ) , own between them probably the finest collection of madeira wines in the world .
21 They will have to decide between them how the council tax bill is shared .
22 ‘ The Secret Police looked for me just the day after I left and they kept looking for me on and off for a year .
23 Well for me exactly the same as Bob sorry Robert , the Aldershot method plus er the thought processes .
24 And naturally , because for me hitherto the world had held no woman .
25 Can you just sign that for me down the bottom there ?
26 I thought that it was very polite that we should go there in the evening and assess for ourselves exactly the harm th the possible harm that it could do to their gardens at the back and and that 's why we did that .
27 If our county councillors do n't look after us then the future is bleak .
28 These can be used to sharpen skills of inference and to focus on underlying attitudes , prejudices and entrenched beliefs , about which even the subject himself may not have been fully conscious .
29 Either search affords to the purchaser a priority period during which either the transfer of registered land must be completed and an application made to HM Land Registry for its registration or the conveyance of unregistered land must be completed .
30 The column stopped abruptly and when the noise of aircraft climbing away from the raid faded into the distance there was a short silence during which only the chug-chug of many stationary vehicles could be heard .
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