Example sentences of "[prep] [prep] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 Again in any traffic model there are pluses and minuses , the simplistic assumption is and it 's it 's a common techniques used in in in in traffic models er for for schemes of this type er that you do use all or nothing .
2 In the ambience of Christianity ivory was particularly sought after for representations of the Virgin Mary and of Christ crucified .
3 These are looked after by teams of directly employed cleaners , under the control of a hygiene officer .
4 The Prince was visiting handicapped children being looked after by members of his father 's award scheme .
5 People said at the time that the war had been fought for the children , for a better future , and the 1950s represent a watershed in the historical process by which children have come to be thought of as repositories of hope , and objects of desire .
6 The tracks can be thought of as patterns of gene activity and the ball as a developing cell .
7 On the other hand , certain of our major retailers ( e.g. Marks and Spencer ) are commonly thought of as models of efficiency , and their ‘ own brands ’ command widespread respect — the typical consumer does not think twice about which factory or by whom they are made .
8 They say ‘ classes can be conceived of as sets of places within the social division of labour ’ .
9 Not many lives ago there were public hangings in this country and people certainly thought it was their right to watch and enjoy in fact , they even paid for seats to see public hangings , if they could afford to and as Mr has pointed out , er it 's not long ago er that bear baiting and badger baiting and cock fighting were seen as right and proper and no doubt spoken of as rights of free born Englishmen .
10 Cattle eat grass , and might therefore be thought of as enemies of grass .
11 It is appropriate to add a few words at this point that might help avert the possibility of becoming involved in any extensive debate about whether associative changes of the sort described here should really be thought of as instances of perceptual learning , producing changes in the perceived similarity of the stimuli .
12 None of these five constituencies is itself anything like an authentic community , and the notion that the two County constituencies could be thought of as parts of the same community as the three City constituencies is laughable .
13 erm it 's been something which is which was quite unique really erm in her experience of of groups of people .
14 Er with the addition of a lot of of members of the public who sympathized and knew what was happening .
15 H here we we have two categories of of areas of difference .
16 ( Dozens of of strikes of black workers illustrate this ; for details see issues of the magazine Race Today . )
17 More than likely the explanation for such results lay simply in the fact that the elderly , institutionalized patients who formed Cameron 's subjects were so pleased to be noticed and made a fuss of in experiments of this sort that their memories improved as a consequence .
18 They are made of in pieces of redwood or pine .
19 In the narratives , descriptions of killing are specifically and explicitly couched in terms of the shedding of another person 's blood , whilst acts of lawful vengeance for clan murder are similarly spoken of in terms of effecting an expiation by blood ( Lev .
20 The differentiation of the different kinds of blood cells can be thought of in terms of the branching pathway model .
21 Because a byte is very small , memory size is usually spoken of in terms of thousands or millions of bytes ( kilobytes or megabytes respectively ) .
22 There is a tendency to look upon literature , particularly capital L ‘ Literature ’ , as something separate from life , but once literature is thought of in terms of story-telling and story-making , then it is seen to be part of a common and seemingly-essential human activity .
23 The quality of relationships the Bible speaks of in terms of the home environment is learned and therefore needs to be practised .
24 The fundamental change is conceived of in terms of the ‘ crisis of hegemony ’ that is experienced by the modern capitalist state when the basis of its cultural authority becomes contested .
25 What takes place between the I and the You is a human transaction which can also be thought of in terms of gesture .
26 The influence of Darwinian theory on Victorian social thought is often thought of in terms of ‘ the survival of the fittest ’ and the notions of struggle and competition which became known as ‘ Social Darwinism ’ .
27 Intersection and union of sets can be thought of in terms of the shaded regions in Fig. 0.1 ; such figures are called Venn diagrams .
28 But eight no but eight in terms of in terms of behaviour
29 Modernist organizations may be thought of in terms of Weber 's typification of bureaucratized , mechanistic structures of control , as these were subsequently erected upon a fully rationalized base of divided and deskilled labour .
30 These can be thought of in terms of seven organizational imperatives , which he derives from a larger set constructed by Jacques ( 1989 ) .
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