Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] years it " in BNC.

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1 It is one of the remotest places in the British Isles … for forty years it has been the victim of a real topographical tragedy … a manufacturing town of 50,000 people where a rural centre of 20,000 would have been sufficient .
2 She points out that after battling against the booze for some years it only took a short relapse to destroy much of what she 'd worked for .
3 But for me , all the time , it is a reminder that for 49 years it replaced wedding anniversary celebrations , and the memory of all those bonfires on the way to Bournemouth on a drizzly November afternoon , all those years ago .
4 After six years it was time for me to move on to Debenham High School .
5 I mean for instance on the question of identification after 45 years it 's very difficult , I saw that in the Demianuk trial , to get satisfactory er evidence , but of course er I think British rules of evidence probably would simply mean it was excluded if that was the case , and it was fairly done and the law were n't changed and it was the law as it stands er then I 'd be in favour of it .
6 As a result , artists feel that if they have parted company with their manager after three years it is unfair if their previous manager continues to take commission on album sales for another seven years .
7 After three years it was possible to revert to your own name or to have another false one , thereby preserving the anonymity .
8 Labour 's simple , single theme is that after 13 years it is time for a change .
9 ‘ Did n't you realise that after five years it is n't possible to claim on someone 's estate ? ’
10 The KNU president Gen. Bo Mya , in a letter to Saw Maung dated Nov. 30 , 1989 , said that after 40 years it had been " proven beyond doubt that the civil war , which is basically a political problem , can not be settled by military means " , and that " the most correct and suitable means of achieving [ the KNU 's ] political goals is the settlement of the civil war politically , in a just and rational manner " .
11 After two years it was found that the fish eaters had up to 30 per cent less chance of dying from a second heart attack than those who had been told nothing about fish .
12 After two years it has strategic alliances with DEC , HP , IBM , NCR , SGI and Sun , 100 customers , 500 development seats , 10,000 run-times out and 10,000 deployed applications .
13 For 45 years it was the home of the Wiltshire historian Canon Jackson .
14 ‘ Naturally these past few years it has n't been worn .
15 There is also considerable evidence ( as marshalled by Ingram 1975 ) to suggest that up to the age of six years it is mainly short , simple but still hierarchically structured sentences that the child is able to produce .
16 While this study is limited to one university and deals with a relatively small intake of mature students over a period of six years it does demonstrate that non-standard entry mature students can do particularly well when compared with other students .
17 But levied over a period of three years it brought in about £80,000 and became the prototype for later subsidies .
18 As the mature version of deep slow wave sleep develops in the first year of life , and daytime sleeping is displaced by wakefulness , the number of hours spent in active ( REM ) sleep is eroded until by the age of three years it has dropped from twelve hours to three or four .
19 The government announced on Nov. 26 that over a period of three years it intended to cut 122,000 government jobs — approximately one fifth of state employees — at an estimated saving to the state of the equivalent of US$1,500 million .
20 If a viable product is not produced in a total of three years it is felt that the project should be abandoned since the technology in use will have been superseded and a competitive product is likely to be nearing launch .
21 If a viable product is not produced in a total of three years it is felt that the project should be abandoned since the technology in use will have been superseded and a competitive product is likely to be nearing launch .
22 After the age of 5 years it is suggested that language increasingly becomes a tool for higher intellectual functions and therefore is difficult to assess independently of other cognitive processes .
23 And of late years it has been used by the inhabitants of Virginia in many disorders , which are occasioned by thick , sizy blood ; so that the root of this plant , when its virtues are fully known , may become one of the most useful medicines yet discovered .
24 The cultural formation , at this level , is still alternative , but in the crisis of those years it was both necessarily involved in political activities , with direct and dangerous consequences , and in an overlap between what might in a different period be seen as separate kinds of practice ; as Godwin justly observed in 1794 , ‘ the humble novelist might be shown to be constructively a traitor ’ .
25 Over a period of nine years it has become clear that the breeders referred to in the cup of that name do not include those operating on this side of the pond .
26 Over a period of twenty years it is claimed that a fast reactor could breed enough additional plutonium to fuel another similar power station .
27 While they had shared championship success when they had first met , after a split of four years it was their second era together that brought the ultimate honour for them both — the 1987 Open Championship title .
28 For most consensus theorists , the answer lies in a theory of social structure made famous by Durkheim in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and developed to such an extent by Talcott Parsons and his followers in the USA between the 1930s and 1950s that during these years it came to be seen as the sociological theory .
29 For three years it went on .
30 She has always relied on instinct , and for 55 years it has served her well .
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