Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] time as " in BNC.

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1 Estimates based on volumes of erupted material in fact show that the discharge from volcanoes forming island arcs and continental-margin orogens averages a very modest 1 km 3 a- 1 This rate has no doubt varied somewhat through geological time as the rate of lithospheric subduction has changed .
2 Avoid all restaurant or take-away food during this time as it is difficult to know what you are eating .
3 There was silence in the room for some time as he waited for Frank to regain his composure , to ask the inevitable questions .
4 Mr Kingsley Low , general secretary of the British Beekeepers ' Association , said : ‘ We have been expecting to find varroa for some time as it is so widespread on the Continent .
5 I could not go back for some time as the Germans had obviously built up their air force to great strength , so I threw in my lot with Fulham church in my rare off-duty times .
6 They were silent for some time as they picked their way in single file along the path that wound up the hillside .
7 His plans were thwarted for some time as no-one knew what had happened to the trophies .
8 Silence reigned for some time as they attacked the meal .
9 He resented the inadequacy of the library , in which he worked long hours during such time as he was there .
10 ‘ The position , therefore , was that the wife , by process of law , namely marriage , had given consent to the husband to exercise the marital right during such time as the ordinary relations created by the marriage contract subsisted between them , but by a further process of law , namely , the justices ’ order , her consent to marital intercourse was revoked .
11 It continues by stating that the suspects shall be detained ‘ for such time as is necessary to enable any criminal or extradition proceedings to be instituted ’ .
12 The grant of a right of way over a road will include the following ancillary rights : ( 1 ) the right to stop for such time as is necessary to load and unload vehicles ( McIlraith v Grady [ 1968 ] 1 QB 468 ) but only where there is no other convenient place to stop London and Suburban Land v Carey ( 1991 ) 62 P & CR 480 ) ; and ( 2 ) the right to a sufficiency of vertical space immediately above the road for the purpose of loading and unloading ( VT Engineering Ltd v Barland ( Richard ) & Co Ltd ( 1968 ) 19 P & CR 890 ) .
13 Playing in the third game of the 24 match round Robin stage of the tournament , Ireland were actually left to contemplate the spectre of extra time as Italy came back with a try just before the finish .
14 It also guaranteed hours of wasted time as users struggled to choose between Bodini Extra Bold and Franklin Gothic .
15 Watchdog warns of short time as Vauxhall announces price rises
16 But Swindon had a similar close shave in the last seconds of full time as Philliskirk hit the crossbar and the game went into extra time .
17 Substitute Ropati 's try , after neat work by Bishop , came on the stroke of full time as Warrington relaxed in the warmth of this surprisingly easy victory .
18 It is aimed at getting the most out of available time as is possible without distress to the person working — at least that seems to be the rough definition .
19 The office looked as if it had fallen under the same spell of passing time as Dexter , and been unoccupied for weeks rather than hours — the motes of dust , the grime of London gently settling on files , videotapes and yellowing newspapers .
20 12.2 Should the Proprietor for any reason whatsoever not prepare and deliver such updating revision and correction within such time as may be reasonably required by the Publisher the Publisher shall be free to employ for that purpose such writer ( or writers ) as it may think fit and to deduct all or part of the remuneration payable to such writer(s) from any monies due to the Proprietor for such updates , revisions or corrections .
21 12.2 Should the Company for any reason whatsoever not procure the preparation and delivery of such updating revision and correction within such time as may be reasonably required by the Publisher the Publisher shall be free to employ for that purpose such writer ( or writers ) as it may think fit and to deduct all or part of the remuneration payable to such writer(s) from any monies due to the Company .
22 Furthermore , under subsection ( 3 ) if the directors fail to make good the default within 14 days after the service of a notice requiring compliance , the court , on the application of the Registrar or any member or creditor of the company , may make an order directing the directors or any of them to make good the default within such time as may be specified and may order them to pay the costs of and incidental to the application .
23 Where a plaintiff or defendant dies and the cause of action survives but no person is substituted for the deceased under Ord 5 , r 7 , the defendant ( or his personal representatives ) may apply for an order directing the plaintiff ( or other person entitled ) to proceed within such time as may be ordered , and in default , the action may be struck out ( Ord 5 , r 12 ) .
24 Banks participating in the deal agree to sell bonds only at , or above , the stated issue price until such time as Morgan Stanley considers appropriate .
25 Where politicians have challenged him , he has outmanoeuvred them until such time as he perceived his work to be done ; and then — Vienna 1964 , Berlin 1989 — he simply and quickly stepped aside to move on to fresh projects .
26 HOWEVER confident we pretend to be that the Conservatives will be returned with a majority of at least 25 , we must accept the possibility that this gesticulating Welsh oaf will hold centre-stage until such time as the economy , public order and constitution collapse about his ears .
27 It is little known that poll tax collectors not only have the authority to arrest those they suspect of defaulting on poll tax and strip them naked for the purposes of search ( without any obligation to mend or replace clothing which is destroyed in the process ) , but they can also apply torture in cases where they have reason to believe poll tax is being withheld — at any rate until such time as the defaulters reveal where their money is hidden .
28 The court had taken Harvey away from his father and put him in the foster home ‘ until such time as the father can control his drinking and make a safe home for the boy . ’
29 It is evident that he did live there in his later years as the Minutes of 1771 agree to provide his successor with lodgings in Chelsea , ‘ until such time as Mr. Miller has quit his apartments in the greenhouse ’ .
30 The Poles are une nation foutue who can only continue to serve a purpose until such time as Russia herself becomes caught up into the agrarian revolution .
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