Example sentences of "[prep] [art] same [pron] " in BNC.

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1 they came as the same they came in the same colour mu thing round them we in the red letters saying what they are .
2 If we 're talking about the same one alright , I 've got her address in Felixstowe .
3 And then the next biggest then well Howar would 've been somewhere about sixty acre and Kilbest was roughly about the same I think .
4 Much about the same I suppose is it , or slightly dearer ?
5 So he 's seventy eight now she 's probably about the same I think .
6 I think the chicken was about the same I would n't run a business like it I tell you that much .
7 After that win , Hope 's family and supporters celebrated with champagne in the dressing room and Lawless recalled : ‘ We only had a few glasses and Mo and I were drinking out of the same one .
8 Do you know where I mean ? erm Well , that too , is a 17th century building , I 've got a an early 19th century Butler engraving of it here , and some pictures from the Alice shop itself , Now that was owned by a Walter Paine , both these citizens were well off brewers , erm those are just pictures of the same one , it 's a little bit of a problem because this is called the house belonging to the manciple of Christchurch .
9 However as in the sentry the message of hope is a false one and the soldiers died anyway , while the snow in the phrase ‘ until this morning and this snow ’ is assuredly a description of the same it would also appear to be in contrast to the warm sun as death is the contrast to life and the day the soldier is brought out the sun fails to wake him and there is snow .
10 If you got two of the same you should try and get rid of those .
11 ‘ We stay with the same one , ’ said Mr Salway .
12 Instead of each chromosome in that pair going into a separate egg , they both go into the same one , so that when the egg is fertilised , the triple chromosome is created .
13 Things may have been different under another Minister , or under the same one in happier and healthier days , but it seems doubtful .
14 The organization of the Council , borrowed from that of the universities , was by ‘ nations ’ ( principally in order to restrict the voting powers of the large number of Italians ) , but the French objected to the English existing as a separate nation from the Germans — significantly in the Arts Faculty at the University of Paris the English and the Germans were included in the same one .
15 And in the same you know , I mean er two or three years so there 's not gon na be much , and it 's only been a couple that are gon na
16 that went to the same one talking differently .
17 I never meant it like that , no , you do n't go to the same you wanker
18 Are you all working on the same one incidentally or have you got separate ones ?
19 If we analyze lots of water samples taken at different depths at the same we can then plot a graph of concentration versus depth and get a profile that looks something like this .
20 so , so do I , but er at the same we said this much to Mr that you would except that many of the people who the company deal , deal with are old and concerned with a limited income on fixed pensions , you know that do n't you ?
21 I ca n't believe had the bell at the same one .
22 We will in fact be er I mean I advertise in the er I am a client of his and we will we will be looking at the same he will be a competitor of ours in some fields .
23 You know you can hear everyone talking at the same it 's recording at the same time you can hear everyone talking like sort of really clearly .
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