Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [num] years " in BNC.

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1 In doing that every day for fifty one years he actually wore a trench in the solid concrete floor .
2 Her father , Alic Denning worked as a docker for fifty one years .
3 As an acquaintance put it , ‘ Richard would apply only if the university did something it has n't done for 500 hundred years — say it 's sorry . ’
4 He named it Latimeria and informed an astonished world that a creature thought to have been extinct for 70 million years was still alive .
5 The teaching profession has recently made a beginning in this direction , allowing one salary increment for each three years of child rearing .
6 I 've been down here for bloody nine years I 've missed it a bit
7 We 've kept her for bloody eighteen years !
8 The grave remained thus for eight hundred years until visited by the traveller and writer Hals during the reign of Charles II .
9 Bath , Glastonbury , Bristol and Berkeley Castle ( home of the Berkeley family for eight hundred years ) all make excellent day trips .
10 GOR A Ability to live for eight hundred years
11 During that eight years ' task , those at the heart of it were learning themselves how to pray more deeply and contemplatively .
12 chair for that five years and , there were constantly people parking on the pavements , which necessitate you
13 They 've done this for that three years now and they
14 They have come around to accepting them , but on the dubious grounds that the palaeontological evidence now proves that the earliest hominids arose in Africa about 5–6 million years ago and that Ramapithecus was not a hominid .
15 If children already present at marriage , guarantee can be extended for further 10 years .
16 Although the Labour Party adopted a policy of ‘ comprehensive education for all ’ in 1951 no political action to implement it was taken for another 14 years .
17 With this in mind the Canadian Rugby Union has confirmed that Ian Birtwell 's appointment as national coach will be extended for another four years , placing him in firm control of the key decisions relating to player selection as he looks ahead to 1995 .
18 The solution lies within the Tory Party , which will remain in power for another four years and so has a duty to revive and spur the nation towards the next millenium .
19 Although I did n't live with Marian for another four years , it was because of her that I finally left .
20 We lived there for another four years , until it became too difficult for me to manage the stairs .
21 He lived for another four years while his empire lapsed into chaos .
22 Because once you have let them go you ca n't begin to get them back for another five years . ’
23 Addressing the final Tory news conference later , Mr Major reaffirmed he was confident of winning a majority sufficient to keep him in power for another five years .
24 Her will included legacies of twenty pounds each to her Frome cousins , Mary and Sarah , the daughters of her uncle John Titford ; she was not to know that Mary would die just two months before she did , though Sarah , as we shall see , survived for another five years , long enough to bless the generosity of her Surrey cousin .
25 Tolkien had finished The Lord of the Rings by 1949 , though it was refused on his terms and did not begin to appear for another five years , on a non-royalty agreement — to be coolly received by reviewers at home and rapturously welcomed in that heartland of Anglo-Saxon romanticism , the United States of America .
26 Fortran8X was laid to rest for another five years before being resurrected and renamed Fortran90 .
27 Fortran8X was laid to rest for another five years before being resurrected and renamed Fortran90 .
28 Section 47 of the Criminal Law Act 1977 , was not brought into force for another five years until 1982 , Ministers of both parties having accepted the advice of Home Office officials that the provision was too risky to implement at a time of acute overcrowding in the prisons .
29 In November 1633 Crowe had been appointed ambassador at Constantinople , though he was unable to take up the appointment for another five years .
30 For another five years work , so I served five years in Germany too as a , as a miner .
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