Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This would be true for at least two of the examples of ( 18 ) , to which we may add at random : ( 32 ) some delegates who were German frowned the starling which is inquisitive is female It is emphatically not the answer to say , " those which can not become postnominal attributives turn into prenominals instead " , for two reasons : first , as we have already seen , there is a major difference of function between prenominal position and predicative position as occupied by the adjective in the sort of relative clause proposed ; and , second , this still leaves us facing the question of why some relative clauses can apparently be reduced to postnominal adjectives and others can not ( indeed this question , previously passed by , has been in serious need of an answer from those who want to relate prenominal adjectives — or simply attributives in general — to predicative position ) .
2 The proportion of the national area of thirteen tropical American countries described as steep sloped is very high — 80 per cent for Honduras , Panama , Haiti and the Dominican Republic and not less than 50 per cent for eleven of the thirteen .
3 At the moment they 're just a voluntary body , but it looks as though works councils will become mandatory for eleven of the twelve states in the E C , with the implementation very soon of the European Social Works Council Directive , Britain as usual being the odd one out , because of course it 's part of the Social Chapter .
4 But nevertheless , how far can you go along towards giving certainty to for example the building industry on the amount of new housing which would come from green field sites for Sorry from the non- conversion element .
5 Unfortunately , that unique number is generated from the FONT ID times 128 plus the size which limits the total to that appallingly restricted 255 .
6 The Scottish Natural Heritage figure is up over the grant in aid for 1991-92 for the Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland and the Scottish Countryside Commission by 21 per cent .
7 This is all logical enough given Fforde 's conviction that collectivism comes from ‘ areas other than the British Conservative party ’ , but Fforde seems to forget that the Conservatives were in power for fifty-five of the 100 years from the dawn of collectivism to the edge of Thatcherism , and must , therefore , have been at least partly responsible for some of Keith Joseph 's ‘ detritus ’ .
8 The hospital was the first stop for wounded from the Gulf and they are well equipped to deal with the influx if it comes .
9 Unofficial EC estimates suggest that provision has had to be made for about £2 billion in the £28 billion borrowing requirement for 1992–93 as a result of the policy shift .
10 Regrettably this has resulted in the TEC being unable to give a permanent contract for 1992–93 to a very small number of training providers , including Bishop College of Beauty .
11 Hurd argues that the Arab world itself must create this new system ( presumably under Western tutelage ) and a conference to this effect between eight of the nine partners in the alliance ( Morocco being the sole absentee ) occurred in Cairo in mid-February .
12 Although , as has been argued already , the significance of the 1934 Congress is to be located in its general guiding principles rather than in specific theories , it is nonetheless worthwhile examining briefly the substance of the 1934 debate not only because it sets out the agenda for a detailed discussion of socialist realism , but also because Nizan 's second novel , Le Cheval de Troie , was produced , for the most part in the Soviet Union during 1934 in the shadow of the Congress itself .
13 Erm do n't bother about that about the cancelling .
14 The string retainer has been screwed down a little too low , resulting in quite a severe break angle over the nut , but if I 'm talking about that as a problem , then you can see there 's really not much wrong with the rest of the LX .
15 Now I I 'd just like your your opinions as to what you think that erm you you would How would you think about that as a accident ?
16 How how about that as a very practical suggestion or as you say perhaps finding
17 Can individuals and the community serve without spiritual values What about that as a starter before we look at the other questions , then .
18 They 'll tell you all about that on the course .
19 This use of Shakespeare , the central figure of Anglo-Saxon culture , stresses that the poem is not only about the cultural change in Venice , but about that at the heart of our own language and culture also .
20 ‘ They also understand about that at the time Kenny left he was obviously under a lot of the stress .
21 In the meantime her mother would worry , but there was nothing she could do about that at the moment .
22 Keith has to get up for school in the morning , but he 's not thinking about that at the minute .
23 Erm I 'm not sh w w well would you really have , have , have worried about that at the time ? getting out of feudalism then why exactly how you 're gon na go from there .
24 well you know , the five per cent reduction you know , do n't worry about that at the minute and and all this sort of thing so
25 you can worry about that at the early end of the week
26 Some constables initially played up to the fact that their remarks would be appearing in print , hoping to identify themselves by saying something outrageous which was then suffixed by ‘ How about that for a quote for the book ? ’
27 Sitting there , I think about that for a while , then I decide to bring all my plants in and stick them round the bed .
28 I think about that for a bit .
29 It is also perfectly in order to say , ‘ May I think about that for a moment ? ’ before answering a question , although clearly it would become rather tedious if you said that every time .
30 Think about that for a while .
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