Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] an " in BNC.

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1 Leave enough space between you and the vehicle in front so that you can pull up safely if it slows down or stops suddenly , the safe rule is never to get closer than the overall stopping distance shown below , but on the open road in good conditions leave a gap of one metre for each mile an hour of your speed or a two second time gap may be enough , they will also leave space for an overtaking vehicle pulling or wet or icy or the gap should be at least double that , drop back if you know that taking vehicle closing gap in front of you make way for ambulance , fire engines , police or van emergency vehicles when their blue lamps are flashing or their bells , two tone cones or sirens or .
2 He said : ‘ Originally we went for an American-style back-end load or exit charge which was tapered to reduce by a percentage point for each year an investment was held .
3 An additional amount of £10 per day up to a maximum of £200 is payable for each day an Insured Person is in hospital as an in-patient during the period of the holiday .
4 A simple ( yet still surprisingly efficient ) method requires that the number of land-cover classes is known , and that for each class an estimate of the average reflectance in each Landsat MSS or TM band is available .
5 These departments will needless to say be answerable direct to the main body of partners but , for administrative convenience an additional tier will usually be introduced in the form of a managing partner or a partners ' management committee as a more efficient method of control and a useful filter to ensure that the partners as a whole are spared the necessity of dealing with anything other than matters of real importance .
6 First , it was not sensible to launch an application for inspection of the liquidator 's report or to seek for that purpose an adjournment of the examination being conducted under section 236 of the Insolvency Act 1986 .
7 The Court found on the facts that it did not need to pronounce upon whether the provisions relating to the Gex Zone created a stipulation in favour of a third party , but warned that the existence of such rights should not be lightly assumed : each such claim must be separately examined to determine ‘ whether the States which have stipulated in favour of a third State meant to create for that State an actual right which the latter has accepted as such ’ .
8 Perhaps the major influence in the development of a distinctive office culture , and for that reason an important contributor to a field officer 's learning , is the area supervisor .
9 They could be applied to anything regardless of whether it was an Oxford College , or for that matter an oak tree or my dog .
10 To get back to Markowitz 's original proxy for the risk of a portfolio ( or for that matter an individual security ) , the standard deviation of the returns , one only has to find the square root of the total portfolio variance .
11 Now , you go through that gap an ’ you 'll see the centre , so . ’
12 B.F. Skinner emphasised that during instrumental conditioning an organism learns a response by operating on its environment .
13 A great mimic , he had developed for English society an accent which outclassed the Brits around him .
14 During this time an American sailor , Robert Stethem , was murdered but all the remaining passengers , including 39 Americans , were released unhurt .
15 During this time an overall strategy will be developed drawing on the experiences of the selected trial centres in order to provide a firm base for planning of the second phase which will begin in mid-1988 .
16 Can I just ask you , this restrictions is it for forty mile an hour and above , or is it just in the forty mile an hour ?
17 Stephen , a boy of about sixteen in a school not far from Susan 's , told me the following story : Extract 2 : Sounds are for big people Me was trodding down de road and me come across me bredder " e — me ask " im for some money an " e say " e na got .
18 Even without insisting on the strict claim that inference from fact to value is logically inadmissible , a claim which since Hume has been a commonplace , and after G. E. Moore 's analysis of the Naturalistic Fallacy was for some time an orthodoxy , it has been convenient to stay out of range of standard criticisms by showing that we can get along well enough without resorting to this kind of inference .
19 All three were aware that the King and Queen had , after four years of war , come to represent to their subjects all that was best in the domestic and public virtues , and that there had been current for some time an idea of presenting to them a gift as a mark of national respect , thanks and loyalty .
20 It will be clear that for this approach an artefact which already embodies a categorization process is clearly distinguished from a natural object which does not .
21 None of these requirements applies to an equitable assignment , but priority as between two assignees of the same debt depends on priority of notice to the debtor , and for this purpose an unwritten notice is unavailing .
22 There is a similar earnings rule for the dependent wife 's pension , and for this purpose an occupational pension also counts as earnings if the wife is under 60 .
23 For this purpose an Additional Certificate of Medical Attendant ( Form PAC 8 for Accidents — SAC 8 for Sickness ) should be sent to the Policyholder asking for completion by their Medical Attendant .
24 For this case an ‘ S ’ should be entered into the Type space .
25 For this reason an interval of six weeks elapses between the decree nisi , which is made upon the hearing of the case , and the decree absolute , which finally dissolves the marriage and enables the parties to marry again , though the court has power to expedite the decree absolute in a suitable case .
26 For this reason an assessment was made for all the forty women of their levels of identification with the housewife role .
27 For this reason an additional agent has been hypothesised in the pathogenesis of CLO .
28 After much acrimony an agreement was reached in 1977 about the conditions under which the Law Society would grant waivers to law centres and it was thereafter no longer a source of difficulty .
29 Singer size 14 ( 90 in continental sizes ) is a good general purpose needle but , if you want one finer , then use a 10 ( 70 ) or a 12 ( 80 ) and , for heavier material an 18 ( 110 ) needle size .
30 However , Proust 's real originality , on this point , springs from the fact that he gave to the phenomenon of involuntary memory an aesthetic application .
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