Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] had the " in BNC.

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1 Baldwin 's declaration for Protection had the immediate effect of reuniting the two sections of the Liberal Party around the historic cause of Free Trade , and Asquith and Lloyd George came together at public meetings to exchange insincere pleasantries .
2 The women weeping over an open coffin in a Rowlandson drawing of c.1760 would have had more reason for grief had the merchandise not come up to their expectations ( Col. 6 ) .
3 Calvin 's doctrine of election had the consequence that no earthly priesthood could arrogate the authority to determine whether an individual was of the elect .
4 Yes Showaddywaddy of course had the er big hit our local group from Leicester .
5 Indeed , in a burgh contest , a well publicised appointment could provide the necessary evidence to the members of council that one of the potential members of parliament had the ear of government .
6 To many 19th century chemists the fact that diamonds were made of carbon had the appearance of a blank cheque .
7 Well the estate er er er the Duke of Sutherland had the whole of Assynt and then h General Stewart who was born in Nedd and worked and made his fortune if it was as you would say in Canada on the C P R.
8 A chap called Herbert Brough of Macclesfield had the fishing for these fish taped and made some outstanding catches there .
9 Mary of Guise had the sense not to make him a cause célèbre .
10 Pop music had Lennon , Jagger and Keith Moon ; the world of fashion and photography had David Bailey ; the nightclubs had Christine Keeler and the underworld of crime had the Kray Twins .
11 However , he recovered , and following the siege of Worcester had the great joy of being able to go and see his friends at Kidderminster once again .
12 The Royal Bank of Scotland had the worst score of any Scottish company with a negative rating of -218 .
13 The east of England had the lowest number of beef herds and the smallest numbers in the herds .
14 The Districts of Bedfordshire had the largest increase of any in the first period ( 10.3 per cent ) , followed by the second largest decrease ( -9.0 per cent ) in the second period , and a middling change in the third .
15 A man of vaulting ambitions with the talents to match , passionately devoted to his house and ambitious for his favourite grandson , the twelve-year-old Robert , making no secret now that Alexander III was dead that the House of Bruce had the best claim to the Scottish throne .
16 James II 's marriage to Mary of Gueldres had the attraction of providing him with a queen who came from the great artillery-making centre of northern Europe .
17 The route announced by the Government last month after years of consultation and studies of alternatives had the added bonus of regenerating the East Thames corridor .
18 But wood was a much more common fuel for engines , and the appearance of railways and the provision of stations had the power to change the appearance of vast regions .
19 The man who 'd led the fight to ban hunting since the Tories lost control of Wiltshire had the scent of victory .
20 The outbreak of hostilities had the immediate effect of silencing most of those within Congress who had spoken out against war , and effectively removed the argument that sanctions should be given a longer period in which to work .
21 The Turkish manoeuvres which culminated in what seemed to be the disaster of Sinope had the object of making Nicholas look aggressive , but if the sultan hoped to increase the determination of Britain and France to put Russia in her place , he found that Britain , at least , dragged her feet .
22 Nor is there any reason to assume that the system would have adjusted smoothly to the onset of overaccumulation had the oil crisis not occurred .
23 The other piece of paper had the name J. Williams on it .
24 The House of Lords had the opportunity to bury the prejudgment rule in the extraordinary case of Re Lonrho plc . .
25 This simple solution to the problem of access had the merit of combining a secure approach with a clear vista of the proposed ‘ House of the People ’ .
26 Even so , the introduction of charges had the immediate response of reducing demands on the service , although this does not mean that all those who needed help were now able to get it , or that those withdrawing demand did not need help .
27 By long history the Bishop of Durham had the privilege of standing at the right hand of the sovereign throughout the coronation as her chief supporter .
28 If I remember correctly , officers sat in the front few rows and NCOs and other lower forms of life had the rest .
29 Do you think that was an attitude to that was erm unique to nursing at the time or do you think erm that possibly girls in other walks of life had the same kind of experience of discipline and demands on them ?
30 An additional experiment demonstrated that the smell of mothballs had the same effect .
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