Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] in some " in BNC.

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1 The DTI is to set up working groups to examine the scope for change in some of the most complex areas of company law .
2 But some people have to wait much longer for operations in some places than in others and the system can be insensitive to individual needs .
3 One of the reasons advanced for the absence of meaningful work for prisoners in some administrations is that of the resentment of the outside world .
4 What should be said is that there is still a most definite need for research in some neglected , technical areas , but more particularly in integrating the social and economic factors as they occur in a local situation .
5 In consultation with the Project Coordinating Team , six schools were selected for study in some depth , two from each of the first three years of the project .
6 For example , it is almost a requirement for publication in some academic journals that diagrams ( and high-quality diagrams at that ) be included ; in other disciplines , diagrams are simply unacceptable .
7 The arts were represented in the CNAA both as elements in some combined humanities courses , and increasingly in teacher education courses .
8 As the Clean Air Act had left much to state initiative , congressional dissatisfaction with the rate of progress in some states led to the Air Quality Act of 1967 which at last required states to establish air quality standards consistent with federal criteria , and then to devise implementation plans setting out ways of achieving the air quality standards .
9 If , as is sometimes done , things are assimilated to events , we can speak of particulars as events , and of the latter as being " temporal " in the sense that every event exhibits a pattern of change in some direction , and can be said to occur simultaneously with , or before , or after , some other event .
10 It was the beginnings of change in some local authorities and the pressure from the left that created the move to reform within the Board of Education .
11 There is direct evidence of owls in some of the French caves , where pictures of owls are included among the other animal drawings .
12 It does seem likely to me that a North-South divide will be greatly deepened ; that the still weak by nonetheless unmistakeable pressures towards democratisation in some of the Arab societies will be lost , not least because the war and the allies will put such a premium on harsh social and political controls in what many will see as potentially revolutionary situations .
13 However , it is true that government policies ( or lack of policies in some areas ) have contributed significantly to our problems and some of the changes that are now in the pipeline will almost certainly make matters worse .
14 Much of the acreage in this round is closer to the coastline , and as such has many implications in terms of how it could impact upon fish spawning , local bird life , and even the Ministry of Defence in some cases .
15 Doncaster , in 1927 , became the last new creation until further measures of reorganisation in some major urban areas began in the late 1950s .
16 There are references to galleries in the deeds of houses in some cases , and date stones and the carved fitted cupboards in the houses provide date references for this period .
17 Passageways were pierced through the walls of houses in some places , and in others they were supported on props along the faces of warehouses and shops , and it was across one of these — a sturdy bridge of timber which was designed to withstand the weight of carts as well as men — that Burun 's party moved without very much opposition from the revellers , most of whom clearly preferred the breadth of the main streets .
18 Furthermore , the deterioration of visibility in some regions associated with the increased occurrence of regional hazes ( composed of sulphates and nitrates ) reflects the trend of rising emissions from power stations located increasingly outside metropolitan areas .
19 The redistribution of revenue involved would have varied and often unwelcome effects both on the revenue of some local authorities and on the tax burden of employers in some areas .
20 Clever publicity , orchestrated confusion over the equipment involved and a gullible pop industry have conspired to create a wave of enthusiasm in some parts of the press and the music industry .
21 Third party security may be given , however , in a wide variety of cases in some of which the relationship between the surety and the debtor will be of a business character rather than matrimonial .
22 The appendix on useful verbs should come in handy for those not up on adventure jargon , but be careful with the address section — a lot of them are now out of date so be prepared for some lack of response in some cases .
23 But er they grew up and since I 'm the youngest , obviously they were earning a little bit of money in some way .
24 Then in 1978 he saw a paper by three Soviet scientists which reported that there were anomalous amounts of helium-3 in some metals ; the Soviets suggested that it was being produced by fusion — fusion induced by cosmic rays .
25 The Knoedler pieces are evocations in welded metal of the balance of forms in some of the most famous Western paintings , Manet 's Dejeuner sur l'herbe and the Descent from the Cross as interpreted by Rubens and Rembrandt .
26 For older workers this means that trends towards early retirement are unlikely to be reversed despite shortages in some industrial sectors .
27 This Act specified the responsibilities of LEAs and governors for the maintenance of voluntary schools , and of LEAs in some circumstances for the enlargement of controlled schools .
28 An elderly person should try to eat approximately half a pound of protein in some form in her diet every day .
29 But the success of review in some areas can lead to a keener awareness of its absence in others ; and however sophisticated the review process , it can affect only those dimensions of course management to which it is applied .
30 Apparently never close to the Chinese ( he never learned the language and travelled with a large retinue of porters in some style ) , he wrote little about the people and rather drily on the landscape and plants .
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