Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] than [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Species and genetic change , fixation of atmospheric N 2 , and nitrogen deposition may have facilitated plant response to CO 2 in the past when concentrations rose more slowly or with a greater relaxation time between change than today , but data are lacking .
2 According to Meat and Livestock Commission statistics meat is better value for money than ever
3 Meat is better value for money than ever — MLC
4 Our success in attracting more investment from the United States than has been attracted by all the countries of western Europe put together is proof that we have created a more attractive climate for investment than anywhere else in Europe .
5 For all that , it is wise to know a little more about search than just that method , so here are a few relatively elaborate algorithms which are also sometimes useful .
6 It is easier to inset after typing than before .
7 Unlike cleaning chemicals which still perform even if they are grossly misused and , at worst can hardly leave a surface dirtier after application than before , misuse in disinfectants and sanitisers can result in an increase in bacterial contamination .
8 In the case of Venice and her heritage however , the ‘ ethic question ’ is of wider import and presupposes other kinds of honesty than merely those connected with money .
9 Far be it for me to say that this is the sort of budget that conservatives ought to applaud because it is after all , a budget that is guided by a feeling that councils should provide services and they should orientate their services to the least communities , to be guided by equal opportunities and by egalitarians and that 's what this group has always stood for , this is the budget that we present tonight and I would hope that it would get a far better and far larger measure of support than perhaps of course been the case in the past .
10 The hissing of the rain was somehow louder , somehow more different in tone … and somehow much more like the whispering of a multitude of voices than before .
11 However , the latest amendments to the Building Regulations require much higher standards of insulation than ever before and have also belatedly recognised the problems that over-insulation can cause as far as condensation is concerned — both inside the house itself and also within the building 's structure .
12 In fact , they have made it possible to process far greater amounts of data than ever before .
13 There is scarcely any corporate-bond market in Japan , because issuing costs are too high ; but if new rules bring those costs down and the market revives , it is likely to have a wider range of yields than before .
14 The structural changes which would be necessary to reduce the present Davis Cup match format from three days , to one , would destroy the whole character of a competition which , in this commercially dominated age , is arguably more important to the world of tennis than ever before
15 No prior warning can be given to travellers as it is obvious that the public address system has been infiltrated and now issues an even worse form of gobbledygook than hitherto .
16 But from Rome the British agent sent a warning while Charles was still a boy : ‘ Everybody says that he will be in time a far more dangerous enemy to the present establishment of the government of England than ever his father was . ’
17 This has proved to be a great success and is encouraging participation from a wider range of companies than before .
18 This level of poverty might be thought to have been peculiar to London , which was believed by contemporaries to have a greater concentration of poverty than elsewhere .
19 You get more out of workshops than just work
20 There are certainly no more rats in the Isle of Man than anywhere else .
21 We all agree to the need for more rational use of insecticides than hitherto , especially in agriculture ; yet insecticides to control mosquitoes are normally applied to the inside walls and roofs of buildings so that , unlike agricultural pesticides , they are not widely dispersed over the landscape but confined within houses .
22 Instead I had to sit and watch him produce the belt , and although he seemed pleased enough with it the incident left me even more empty of joy than before .
23 , A lake next to Trawsfynydd nuclear power station in Wales has a higher level of radioactivity than anywhere else in Britain apart from Sellafield , according to a report from Nuclear Electric ( previously the Central Electricity Generating Board ) .
24 This should mean that smaller numbers of students have access to a larger range of resources than formerly .
25 It 'll mean more Day Care , more Home Care , more Occupational Therapy , for people in an area of the county who get far less levels of service than elsewhere in the county .
26 This is a much lower level of use than either Edinburgh or Glasgow , but in view of the standard of service observed on this occasion , it is impossible to say whether this usage figure represents lower demand , or merely laxity in control .
27 The boundaries of the study area are more of convenience than purely zoogeographical , because of the paucity of material from certain regions .
28 In some respects a much more significant piece of legislation than either Mortmain or Circumspecte agatis was chapter 41 of the second statute of Westminster in 1285 .
29 This already provides a bigger contribution to the balance of payments than either remittances or shipping , and the Ministry of National Economy bubbles with ideas for making it still larger .
30 Nevertheless , in spite of a much less universal use of music than formerly , the monastic musical tradition remains a vital one .
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