Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 For reasons as yet unexplained , genital warts proliferate markedly during pregnancy , and they can assume gigantic proportions if left untreated .
2 The alerce is now found only in remote mountain regions of the Andes and Chile 's coastal cordillera , where there are also extensive areas of dead trees , for reasons as yet unexplained .
3 ‘ You go in for blackmail as well , Private Nobody ? ’
4 All workshops are suitable for beginners as well as those who have some experience .
5 Poet , novelist and broadcaster Michele Roberts conducts a poetry workshop for beginners as well as more experienced writers .
6 They must allow for change while still maintaining a high degree of organizational integrity .
7 The HelpDesk Request screen provides Client History and Inventory buttons which will allow us to view past specific requests for support as well as the configuration of the machine on which the problem was experienced .
8 The part of the city through which they were walking reminded Zen of Venice , but a Venice brutally fractured , as though each canal were a geological fault and the houses to either side had taken a plunge or been wrenched up all askew and left to tumble back on themselves , throwing out buttresses and retaining walls for support as best they could .
9 The Bains Report referred to the need for this relationship to be ‘ informal ’ ( Bains 1972:37 ) , but other commentators would emphasise the necessity for formality if both councillor and officer are to maintain their proper roles : ‘ friendly but not familiar ’ is a frequent description of the correct attitude for a councillor to adopt towards officers , either as leader or in the chair of a committee .
10 And good for income as well .
11 This meant she had to help patients with personal hygiene , dressing and un-dressing them , and assisting in feeding them ; she also got involved in weighing patients , taking samples and temperatures , and helping prepare patients for operations as well as making snacks and beds .
12 So , if we advertise the two linked operettas on consecutive nights we shall sell out for Maritza as well . ’
13 As in Eyre 's ( 1987 ) study , clearance is for agriculture as well as lumber , and coffee growing is increasing to produce an export crop and bring in foreign exchange .
14 It should be noted , however , that the problems discussed above with reference to phoneme recognition apply to other units such as syllables as well .
15 Species and genetic change , fixation of atmospheric N 2 , and nitrogen deposition may have facilitated plant response to CO 2 in the past when concentrations rose more slowly or with a greater relaxation time between change than today , but data are lacking .
16 With the establishment of parish boundaries and other rights , these were increasingly closely defined ; one of the most common medieval records for Sussex as elsewhere is that recording a tithe dispute either between different clergy or priest and laity .
17 By substituting tar ( like a thick black oil ) for paint , he intends to prompt thoughts about tar as both preservative and something more sinister — a symbolic tarring and feathering of Britain 's homosexuals .
18 They made peaces , and created a fragmented Peace ( fragile and ungoverned ) from a series of bilateral contracts between groups as well as by reciprocal threats .
19 This approach has the advantage of taking into account the individual 's perception of health but it suffers from a variety of weaknesses : certain stigmatising illnesses may be under-reported , the threshold of pain can vary between groups as well as between individuals , and the phrasing of questions can affect the outcome of such estimates .
20 But the sign acts as shield as well as pointer .
21 In the first take we all ran totally naked off the set — Ken , nostrils flaring as camp as ever — into a whole group of girls who had heard it was going to happen .
22 And we 've got one there for Marcus as well .
23 I have seen a kingfisher here and a survey of the pond has shown it to be very important for invertebrates as well as amphibians .
24 Isay helped him dress for the banquet that evening , showing no resentment at having to double as valet as well as bodyguard .
25 According to Meat and Livestock Commission statistics meat is better value for money than ever
26 Meat is better value for money than ever — MLC
27 The cost of recharging the Super Dustbuster is minimal : it uses less than half the amount of electricity used by a light bulb , so it 's good value for money as well as being environmentally friendly .
28 The desire to ensure that the adult child retains an appropriate degree of independence can be particularly tricky in these circumstances , especially if she or he returns to live in the parents ' home and is dependent upon them for accommodation , child care , emotional support and possibly for money as well .
29 Another letter from the middle school was about a visiting theatre group and asked for money as well as a tear-off slip .
30 Strong Farmhouse cheeses are good value for money as well , especially in cooking , because less cheese is needed to achieve a full flavour .
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