Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [coord] a " in BNC.

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1 Behind him was Stuart Bell , MP for Middlesbrough and a strategic thinker of the right .
2 A respect for rules and a reasonable degree of conformity to norms do not just ‘ happen ’ because there is a pleasant home atmosphere .
3 Inevitably , the growing scale of war organisation demanded more services and more taxation ; in return for protection and a common system of laws , most freemen gave up some of those freedoms .
4 I have enclosed a leaflet about CPRW and a copy of the latest edition of our magazine which I hope you find interesting .
5 Durham , received a cheque for £1,000 and a bottle of Champagne .
6 It is present in standard experimental animals such as rats and rabbits which psychology and neurophysiology laboratories were familiar with , and did not require more exotic facilities like seawater tanks for Aplysia or a knowledge of a novel neuroanatomy like the chick ; and the techniques for investigation , such as recording electrodes and drugs , were all to hand .
7 With costs unofficially estimated at up to £200,000 , the award seemed likely to force the closure of the magazine , which has built a reputation for trendiness and a circulation of 73,000 , selling mainly to people in their 20s .
8 As the first night of the Hochhauser Season approached , Suzi Hoflin found herself increasingly torn between dread and a curious sense of wild exhilaration that was only partly to do with the excitement of appearing in a professional production .
9 Combined treatment with a histamine H 2 receptor antagonist such as ranitidine and a prokinetic agent such as cisapride is a promising alternative for medical treatment of reflux oesophagitis and such be further tested in clinical trials .
10 Is he dramatising all this a bit , for sympathy and a bed for the night , or is this the normal way of the Gael ?
11 On 29 September 1955 , with just a few days of filming to go , Dean turned up at a gay party at Malibu which culminated in a bitchy foray between Dean and a former male lover who accused him of dating women purely for publicity .
12 Squeezing past the milling lunchtime crowds he found himself pressed closely between Gerald and a rather busty Australian .
13 Cassie could have looked for hours but a slight sound from the garden jolted her back to an awareness of her present danger .
14 Wednesday was a day of interminable meetings , during which the split over unemployment benefit between MacDonald and a substantial but fluctuatingly composed group of his Cabinet began to assume its final form .
15 At least when the financial stress is alleviated , they can get on then with going to the treatment for leukaemia or a blood disorder , whether it 's chemotherapy , radiotherapy whatever .
16 This is not a competition for the Nobel prize for literature but a protection against potential accusations of lack of clarity .
17 They were joined by Cuban President Fidel Castro Ruz , an unexpected guest , as was Gabriel García Márquez , the Nobel Laureate for Literature and a personal friend of Castro .
18 As a white South African , he writes , ‘ One of the most winning qualities of my black countrymen is that they have an instinct for faith and a preparedness to follow and to be truly led .
19 This type of work avoids the issue of providing synonym access to information stored in the microcomputer — a problem heightened by the increased access to information through keywords and a release from the restraints of card-based subject indexes and catalogues .
20 Then there was a tobacco tin with a little boy 's treasures — marbles , a long-dead spider , gaudy stamps from Helvetia and Madagascar and a piece of blue glass with a letter to Santa Claus wrapped round it : ‘ Dear Santa , Will you bring mi dadi back for crismas and a cowboi set . ’
21 Torn in two by indecision , she reflected for a few moments , then said slowly , ‘ If it comes to choosing between Ian and a monkey , then Ian wins hands down .
22 They 're not prepared to settle for sarnies and a cake on the side .
23 One is General Magic , an alliance of Apple , AT&T , Matsushita , Motorola , Philips and Sony , which aims to establish its own software standard for PDAs and a family of related devices , ranging from PCs to multimedia machines .
24 Eastern Europe also provided an enthusiastic market , as Commodore 64 computers , obsolete in the west , were sold for a song to young people eager for unity and a non-communist identity .
25 I ca n't remember the cost but you need to buy a plastic pump and a large bottle of the solution , it 'll last for ages and a good going over the whole house once a month will probably be your best bet .
26 She has been signed up as front-page girl for Vogue and a host of other glitzy US fashion magazines .
27 The ‘ lunatics ’ , in contrast to those who proclaimed their rationality , offered no justifications beyond a dislike for non-whites or a liking for violence .
28 They 're about foot and a half blades on them .
29 I will because Mr Mayor I think that councillor started off his response to this by talking about ghettos and a lot of differences between the better off and the worst off and I , the feeling I got from his speech was that what he was actually driving at was he was attempting to perpetuate the class distinction that the Labour party have been so bound up with over the years .
30 The enlarged group should be able to produce both good returns for shareholders and a raising of programme standards on Northern TV screens .
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