Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [conj] time " in BNC.

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31 You have had a long life of service and time to look back on it and if I did not know how your arthritis troubles you and with what difficulty you pen your kind notes I would ask you to help me in this .
32 The House will expect me to apologise again for the remarks that I injudiciously made when I was trying to illustrate a simple point — that , with the private sector providing more rail services in future , I hope that a range of choice will be available to the travelling public in terms of price and time of day , rather like that provided by the airlines and the long-distance coach market .
33 Think back to some crisis ( a moment of shock or time of stress or failure ) .
34 But she had already lost her balance as she impossibly tried to juggle Equal Opportunities , shortage of staff and time , and the torrent of ‘ open access ’ job applications .
35 If the contribution of frame and time distortion are to be separated explicitly , the calculation of the deflection of light becomes more involved .
36 We like the idea of stability of policy and time to work on the reduction of pollution at our own pace ’ . ’
37 No more notes , he wrote , no more queries , no more space in the work of X and time in the work of Y , no more symbolism , no more allegory , no more influence of X and legacy of Y , no more background and no more foreground , no more social this and political that , no more Heidegger and no more Heisenberg , no more still life and no more portraiture , no more collage and no more frottage , no more lines and no more surfaces , no more genius and no more talent , no more creation and no more mechanical reproduction , no more African masks and no more Cycladic figures , no more clowns and no more nudes , no more museums , no more galleries , no more group shows , no more one-man shows , no more public commissions , no more prizes , no more shit and no more vomit .
38 Garden line and reel Though you can mange with two short stakes and a length of cord , a garden line with reel and peg saves a lot of frustration and time when sowing individual rows of seed or marking border edges .
39 In the same way , we know that the scales of size and time extend in both directions far outside the realm of what we can visualize .
40 It is the behaviour of E or G as a function of frequency or time , or more usually of temperature that constitutes the relaxation experiment .
41 I was deeply impressed at your delicious meal , for I know that it takes a lot of thought and time to put something together so excellently ( at least , I know about the thought + time ! ) .
42 Marchbank , the designer later of Friends and Time Out , and one-time Oz editor , was also later to become a great friend of Miles , but the early It left him unimpressed .
43 They are not brethren , they are not underlings ; they are other nations , caught with ourselves in the net of life and time , fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth .
44 For me , the length of copy is largely determined by the complexity of the message to be communicated — as well , of course , as by the limitations of space or time .
45 Astronomers may travel into the depths of space and time , but on their return they must still convince their colleagues of the truth of what they saw .
46 That gesture was so unexpected and beautiful that it remained in Agnes 's memory like the imprint of a lightning bolt ; it invited her into the depths of space and time and awakened in the sixteen-year-old girl a vague and immense longing .
47 3 Metaphors of space and time
48 Methodologically , the ‘ chronotope ’ — the specific organization of space and time within the work or within a genre — is at the centre of Bakhtin 's tracings of the changes within genres and of the boundaries between them .
49 More generally , though , his discussion of these chronotopes exemplifies the way in which the shifting organization of space and time can be used to plot generic change .
50 It should also be added immediately that this chronotope , this regime of space and time , is much less determinate than that of classical Hollywood , less regimented by the precise divisions of labour and skills and the forms of standardization appropriate to the particular kind of industrial production out of which ‘ classical , rules developed .
51 The problems that his paradoxes raise concerning the mathematical structure of space and time are still being discussed today .
52 Their influence on Plato ( 427–347 BC ) is evident in the different treatment of space and time in his cosmological dialogue the Timaeus .
53 Facial expression is a rich source of information regarding the emotional state of the individual and some evidence of this can be found in the amount of space and time authors and playwrights give to describing the facial changes in their characters .
54 You talk of space and time : I know only the difference between the sea and the land .
55 When even measurements of space and time have proved to be relative , and the sub-atomic world to be as insubstantial as the realm of Platonic ideas , is it perhaps time to recognize that each of us lives in his own reality ?
56 ‘ Eternal Father , you have placed us in a world of space and time , and through the events of our lives you bless us with your love .
57 Further — and this was where Kant moved decidedly beyond Hume and everyone else before him — even the most fundamental categories which we use to supply the framework of our knowledge of the world , those of space and time , must be set in this light .
58 On this basis , knowledge of God could only be established if either God himself were immediately accessible to our awareness , or ‘ God ’ were a category demonstrably necessary , like those of space and time , to the ordering and shaping of our understanding .
59 Where Einstein broke through the previously accepted notions of space and time and re-ordered the fundamental concepts of established physics around the single constant of the velocity of light , Barth undertook a comparable reorientation of theology around the single centre of Jesus Christ .
60 In this sense the contingencies of space and time , as it were , issue blank cheques .
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