Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [conj] time " in BNC.

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1 In LBOs , creditors are often also shareholders , making them less likely to jostle for advantage when times get tough .
2 In our ordinary thinking about causation and time there evidently is uncertainty , as is not the case elsewhere .
3 This fact is consonant , to say the least , with the long philosophical dispute about causation and time , including the idea that causes might not only be simultaneous with their effects but might come after their effects .
4 For the same reason pick-up after treatment and time of return home may also be better than is the case with the larger non-emergency ambulance .
5 Others have specialized in insuring only the more hair-raising elements of their colleagues ' risks , which is a recipe for wealth when times are good and bankruptcy at other times .
6 This region is known as the Realm of Chaos ; a black zone of unreality where time and space have no meaning .
7 I was given the option to have him put down at any time , but of course as time went on his recovery was more and more likely and my hopes got higher .
8 There is also the problem of repairs and maintenance of the property , which a woman may well not be able to afford , or be able to do herself through lack of experience or time .
9 Stock , copyright-cleared , library music overcame the show 's lack of budget and time for the commissioning of specially composed incidental music .
10 From Dixons , we will hear that the company should retain its independence because its current trading woes are a product of a consumer squeeze over which it has no control and because it will make lots of money when times get better and we have more spare cash with which to buy new tellies , video recorders , fridges etc .
11 A great deal of money and time had been spent by the 13 political associations in their efforts to win approval from the government-appointed National Electoral Commission ( NEC ) .
12 But there were no flights , so I said , ‘ Look , mate , we 're never going to have this amount of money and time again , let's go to the best place in the world for birds — Peru . ’
13 Having washed his hands of her , her GP expressed the view that her visit to the Centre was both a waste of money and time .
14 It 's cost a vast amount of money and time .
15 Computers consume a considerable amount of money and time .
16 Save lots of money and time .
17 Obviously , this process is expensive both in terms of administration and time out of funds , and where large amounts are involved , can cause the down fall of other businesses in the chain .
18 They need to be greeted in a welcoming manner and would perhaps be helped by being offered a cup of tea and time to talk quietly together .
19 The former Portadown and Ulster junior has a tremendous burst of speed and time and again he played havoc with the home defence .
20 We know that birds are warm-blooded : in fact they are fully tachymetabolic , as expressed in the resting rate of oxygen consumption per unit of weight and time .
21 ‘ Recent experiments suggest that there exists an ‘ interconnectiveness ’ of the human mind with other minds and with matter — that the human mind may be able to obtain information independent of geography and time … ’ and concluded that ‘ … a general recognition of the degree of interconnectiveness of minds ( and matter ) could have far-reaching society and political implications for the nation and the world . ’
22 I 've seen the movie , too — Rainbow and I watched it together , in Hampstead , on an Old Weepies double bill : the ageless heroine walks two steps out of the enchanted valley of Shangri-La and time 's ravages hit her all at once .
23 it keeps no record of wrongs or times she has told him to wipe his feet .
24 It had given me a world of wonder and time to draw it all in .
25 For both family farmers and part-time farmers it was essential to set dates well in advance of courses to allow sufficient time for organisation of work or time off from an off-farm job .
26 Mention of the transversal space explored by Celati provokes a more general consideration of place and time in contemporary Italian narrative , starting from the marshy area where fiction borders with reportage .
27 The personal pronouns , according to Lyons , form part of ‘ the ‘ deictic co-ordinates ’ of the typical situation of utterance ’ ; that is , they help to define ( along with such adverbs of place and time as here , there , now , then ) the spatio-temporal location of the act of communication .
28 A friend can attempt to recall to your mind some utterance which you both experienced by a variety of place and time tags :
29 Imminence must be a relative concept , and will ordinarily involve close proximity in terms of place and time .
30 Essay on the Influence of Place and Time in Matters of Legislation and Indirect Legislation , ed C F Bahmueller and H Wieting ;
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