Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] through a " in BNC.

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1 The case for seeing through a glass darkly
2 A FIREFIGHTER who had to be airlifted to hospital after crashing through a footbridge into an isolated stream yesterday spoke of his ordeal .
3 FIREFIGHTER Gary Madill is lucky to be alive after crashing through a roof and smashing 25 feet to the ground .
4 Brave Angela , 55 , was pounded by flailing hooves — after wading through a ‘ mass of cows in a circle ’ to reach her pet lying unconscious on the ground .
5 A TOP Tory MP failed a breath test after driving through a police speed trap .
6 Even those who have long since abandoned hope of winning Downing Street 's favour have increasingly won their places after passing through a selection process which prevents the eccentric and the too-individualistic getting a look-in .
7 From Morvich , where we suspended our journey south on page 93 , the old road turns south to join the A.87 coming over the causeway on Loch Duich and after passing through a huge cutting arrives at Shiel Bridge , a pleasant wooded oasis sheltered by high mountains .
8 After passing through a number of German private collections it was purchased by the Getty Museum in 1986 .
9 He set off burglar alarms after wriggling through a ventilation hole at Eynsford , Kent .
10 Taylor , after going through a similar — but much more extensive — exercise to the one here , came to this conclusion :
11 England , after going through a two-hour final training session , were given a no-nonsense pep-talk by Carling .
12 Will ultimately go through the solution that you 're looking at , in terms of optical activity it comes out t' other end , cos light tends to do that , you know it 'll come t' other end and at this end , after going through a length system etcetera , will be a an eyeball .
13 Rigney , after going through a difficult period with a knee injury , is back in action following a summer of hard graft and determined to regain his international berth .
14 It was always touch and go whether he would be fit to take his place , and he only got the nod after coming through a trial game without any problems .
15 It was always touch and go whether he would be fit to take his place , and he only got the nod after coming through a trial game without any problems .
16 Another casualty who bravely acted out that old maxim ‘ the show must go on ’ was ROSS — ex-postman and avid raver — from K-CLASS who after falling through a plate glass window whilst horsing about with some mates in a local Liverpool pub , gritted his teeth , 30 stitches notwithstanding , and gamely did his bit on Dance Energy less than 24 hours after being sewn up .
17 He went downstairs to the rumpus room and rummaged behind the tiny bar , and , after digging through a seemingly endless collection of empty pop bottles , came up with half a bottle of rye and some ginger ale .
18 Thus , it is better to have a clear , if crude , rule and invite leniency in the case of justifiable transgression , such as passing through a red light in an emergency .
19 Thinking — cognisance — is , however , not a matter of being in one mental state or another , or of flashing through a sequence of mental states : it is having conception of oneself as an experiencer of an external world , an experiencer who has the freedom to perform cognisant acts .
20 The first point is that the user , if he or she uses the guide at all , probably finds the task of wading through a long , unindexed guide to find some specific piece of information somewhat tedious .
21 This freedom of choice , our local knowledge and the security of purchasing through a household name must be an unbeatable combination .
22 ‘ I 'm perfectly capable of climbing through a window .
23 The arduous task of legging through a long tunnel like that under Castle Hill at Dudley could take over 3 hours .
24 In fact Gilbert 's Act of 1782 , remembered mostly as one which permitted parishes to unite for Poor Law purposes without undergoing the expensive process of incorporating through a private act of parliament , was equally significant in its effective sanctioning of the subsidising of wages from the poor rates for the able-bodied who were to be removed from workhouses and found work .
25 Seen commercially , the advantages of operating through a subsidiary include the ability to diversify activities whilst not exposing the other parts of the business to financial risk .
26 The US Representative for Trade Negotiations , Carla Hills , emphasized that there could be no extension of the Uruguay Round December deadline , underlining the urgency of pushing through a trade agreement which could secure US congressional approval on the " fast track " procedure .
27 By defining this insider fieldwork ( and the university experience which generated it ) as a liminal situation , I am extending the Turnerian concept ( 1969 , 1974 ) in which the individual moves temporarily into an unstructured and somewhat ambiguous state , during the initial process of passing through a rite de passage before returning to structure .
28 They start talking about ‘ trampolining ’ which is the art of bouncing through a girl 's tights until you hit home .
29 The time consuming nature of searching through a mass of information for one factor is the main drawback of this approach , although the process can now be made more efficient by the use of electronic databases .
30 And while the memory of stumbling through a huge — and previously unseen — boggy area on the North York moors in search of a mischievous mutt saves me from getting too romantic about foggy days , they are n't a write off .
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