Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 Yet for the past two years , Zara has had almost inseparable on-court support from coach Michael Ferguson , who she warmly credits for bringing her to her current level .
2 ‘ As far as I and the society is concerned that was a warm-blooded animal that can suffer pain and starvation , just like any human being , and we will not apologise for bringing it to the court 's attention , ’ he said .
3 ‘ Instead of a rate for carrying oil throughout to Bedale we just got a rate for bringing it to Middlesbrough for trans-shipment to road , which was illogical to me .
4 Thank you for allowing me to . .
5 Thank you for allowing me to .
6 Erm , I think it fair to say that if you 'd asked more or less to the next meeting and probably sub-committee would be quite , quite acceptable and I would thank you for drawing it to our to our attention .
7 The core of Plant 's argument is a careful statement of the case for social citizenship and the reasons for preferring it to the philosophy of the New Right .
8 One other scheme allowed for one-to-one tests but left the decision about including them to individual teachers .
9 They 're not actually that im they 're not important about bringing them to faith .
10 ‘ How about bringing it to my table ? ’ he suggested at last .
11 So perhaps we should be thinking more about political education and perhaps we should be thinking more about encouraging them to be non-conformist in the sense that they are prepared to ask questions , to challenge and not to accept glib answers that teachers give out willy nilly …
12 So we do have a problem and and we need to grasp that the a conclusion talking about rolling programme we are concerned about resources we 're , we 're , we 're concerned about using them to the best advantage .
13 It is n't the first time you 've implied that I know something about what 's going on , so how about explaining it to me ? ’
14 Water management is the major part of fishkeeping — but I do have this fantasy about keeping it to the minimum and this partly explains the filtration system I am suggesting , based on a fairly standard undergravel .
15 Well they 're on about backdating it to the third .
16 Left alone with Carrie , Joe sat watching her pour the boiling water into the earthenware teapot , and after bringing it to the table and setting it on a stand , she smiled at him and said softly , ‘ How are you ? ’
17 And a court in Nottingham hears how a taxi driver sexually assaulted a female passenger after driving her to a secluded spot in Park .
18 A court in London has heard how a taxi driver sexually assaulted a female passenger after driving her to a secluded spot in Clumber Park .
19 It is supplied on a single disk and the Install program deletes the Easy Project data from it after translating it to a blank data disk in the second drive , leaving the A disk as systems disk .
20 Francis insisted that taking Wednesday into Europe this season , after leading them to third place behind Leeds and Manchester United in April , was his career high point — despite scoring the winner in a European Cup final .
21 He told Orchard , who had tickled and spanked the girl after enticing her to his flat : ‘ The prosecution accept , and I proceed on this basis , that your motive here was in no way sexual .
22 Brian Clough , whose side are bottom of the Premier League after six successive defeats , wanted Fozzie back — three years after selling him to West Ham for £750,000 .
23 After tying it to the mizzen-mast , he did not investigate further .
24 Adam escorted Elinor to the elevator ; after taking her to her bedroom , he intended to go to the beach for a swim .
25 Josh had to be squeezed into Clare 's tight weekday schedule : after taking him to the babysitter in Pimlico , she caught another bus to the shoe shop where she worked .
26 After introducing it to an 18″ x 12″ aquarium I soon found it had re-arranged the substrate to form a small barricade at the front of the tank .
27 VERA Daniels , 66 , was reunited yesterday with long-lost brother John Stokes , 63 — last seen in 1942 — after tracing him to a village TEN MILES from her home in Newcastle-under-Lyme , Staffs .
28 Then , in 1811 , he cruelly disposed of the remaining senior mamluks , massacring them after entertaining them to a feast in the citadel .
29 manager of a City assurance office and the narrator of ‘ Hunted Down ’ , who helps Meltham to entrap Julius Slinkton after discovering him to be a murderer .
30 We 've got ta give them to them today have we Andy and Michelle ?
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