Example sentences of "[adj] done [prep] one " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Those were all done on one roll of film ’ he explained , ‘ Because they had to be instantaneous and I knew if I went back again , it would not be the same .
2 All done then at ninety five , any more , ninety five , one hundred , one ten against you now , a hundred and ten , twenty , one thirty at one thirty with me , all done at one thirty ?
3 I 'll sell then seventy five eighty five ninety five one hundred , one ten twenty , thirty one thirty on the left now at the back one thirty are you all done at one hundred and thirty pounds ?
4 You all done at one thirty , one forty , one fifty one sixty , seventy one eighty one eighty on the right , any more ?
5 I shall sell then at a hundred and eighty pounds , are you all done at one eighty ?
6 Are you all done at one hundred pounds .
7 Seventy one seventy , one eighty one eighty one eighty , are you all done at one hundred and eighty pounds seated in the centre .
8 One thousand five hundred pounds then , are you all done at one thousand five hundred pounds ? thank you .
9 All done at one thirty , any more one fifty sixty , seventy one eighty one , one ninety two hundred two twenty two forty two forty at the very back there , any more at two forty ?
10 One thousand two hundred pounds , the bid 's with me , are you all done at one thousand two hundred pounds a thousand three hundred on my right now at one thousand three hundred pounds , any more ?
11 Lot number eight Lot eight there we are there it is showing to you , Lot number eight and I 'm offered a hundred pounds to start me on it , one hundred pounds and ten , twenty , one hundred and twenty pounds at a hundred and twenty pounds all s all done at one twenty , one thirty , forty a hundred and forty pounds selling for one hundred and forty pounds , any more at one hundred and forty pounds .
12 One twenty against you standing all done at one hundred and twenty pounds , any more at one twenty ?
13 At eighty pounds , any more at eighty pounds eighty five , thank you , at ninety pounds ninety five , a hundred at one hundred against you at the back , at one hundred , you all done at one hundred pounds .
14 Lot number sixty six Lot number sixty six is another one there we are , there 's another one showing for a hundred pounds at one hundred and ten , at one hundred and ten pounds any more at one ten , one twenty , thirty , forty , fifty one sixty , seventy one eighty at the back against you near me one eighty at the back and selling for a hundred and eighty pounds , all done at one eighty .
15 One thirty , forty a hundred and forty pounds , you all done at one forty , against you all , at one forty .
16 Er Lot number eighty nine Lot number eighty nine the seal there 's the seal there showing Lot number eighty nine for seventy pounds , at seventy pounds , at five , eighty , eighty five , ninety , ninety five , a hundred pounds and ten , at one hundred and ten pounds , all done at one ten , any more , one twenty one thirty one forty one forty in the front row at one hundred and forty I 've got and I shall sell at one forty .
17 All done at one hundred only ?
18 At one ten , at one hundred and ten pounds , you all done at one hundred and ten pounds ?
19 For a hundred pounds at one hundred and ten I 'm bid , at one twenty , one thirty at one hundred and thirty pounds any more at one thirty , and selling for a hundred and thirty pounds , you all done at one thirty .
20 Lot number one two six Lot number one two six is a silver bowl there 's the silver bowl fifty for this , at fifty , fifty five pounds at sixty , five , seventy offered I 'm offered seventy to my left , at seventy , seventy five eighty pounds eighty five ninety ninety five ninety fi one hundred offered one ten one ten to my right seated , at one ten , all done at one hundred and ten ?
21 Lot number one hundred and thirty Lot one thirty a koro koro and cover , there it is a hundred and fifty pounds , at one fifty , one sixty now one hundred and sixty pounds , all done at one sixty ?
22 The lady was so impressed , she called her assistant to look at this miracle ‘ All done in one week ! ’
23 no I had it all done in one
24 Going with a combine it 's all done in one operation you see .
25 More repairs have been carried out over the years — the most recent and probably most rewarding is the cleaning , repointing and replacing of stonework — all done by one of the parishioners .
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