Example sentences of "[adj] more than [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Morton saw that Leonard and Mrs Cohen were very close , and nothing emphasised this more than her willingness to take them and their friends out for meals , especially to a favourite Greek restaurant where she would be the life of the party , not least in singing , and encouraged by good wine which the restaurateur would ply them with in order to get the mood of the evening going .
2 It is so much more than their jobs that are under threat ; it is their livelihood .
3 Yet in situations such as this , where old patients fare much worse than younger ones through the natural history of the disease ( nature 's ageism ) , elderly people stand to benefit proportionally much more than their juniors from technological advances .
4 Companies in the countries which were accumulating rapidly were investing much more than their retained profits — borrowing the rest from the banks or money market .
5 A completely plain , fawn-coloured antelope standing in a fawn-coloured landscape would appear to be solid-bodied because the sun , beating down on its back , would illuminate this area more than its sides and much more than its belly .
6 Yet the very large canton Bern consists of much more than its Oberland .
7 As Haar has nicely put it , the situation is akin to that of a sweepstake : a single ticket fetches much more than its mathematically calculated value , for the simple reason that the grand prize may fall to any one holder .
8 " Certain persons , " he wrote , " are by common consent agreed to be wiser than others , and their opinion is , by consent , to rank for much more than its numerical value . "
9 THE Duchess of York 's desperate attempt to rehabilitate her public image involves much more than her recent glittering all-expenses-paid charity visit to Poland .
10 In fact Shas split ; Rabbi Yosef likes Labour much more than his colleagues do .
11 she felt weak under his gaze which was saying so much more than his words .
12 Wright , of course , has contributed much more than his fair share , scoring virtually half of Arsenal 's entire league haul with his tally of 11 .
13 After the dozenth girl Killion began to be afraid that he would not recognize her ; but when she came out , even with a single dimmed-out light bulb behind her head , she was so much more than his memories of her .
14 The joy of the Christian life is that God recognizes and accepts my uniqueness , much more than my parents could ever have done .
15 That 's all he has , and it 's not all that much more than your dress allowance , Pickles .
16 I was n't much more than your age when I took on the farm myself .
17 She is little more than her blue eyes and green shawl , the blue and the green undismayed by the yellows and reds of the book , as the girl is by her father .
18 ALAMO ( 0800 272200 ) will rent out a Mercedes 190 at Heathrow for little more than its rivals charge for a Ford Fiesta .
19 The words people use are too often interpreted literally to signify little more than their immediate and most rational translation .
20 European directives on acquired rights and the transfer of undertakings regulations have given public service shop stewards their first glimmer of light over C C T which they fought for a decade with little more than their own bluff and courage .
21 By degrees she , Dinah , had become little more than his reader , except that he gave her too many babies , no doubt absent-mindedly .
22 The frailty of such buildings is indicated in William Godwin 's novel , Caleb Williams ( 1794 ) , for Mr Falkland seems to be able to demolish a cottage with little more than his bare hands in order to prevent a fire from spreading .
23 These tended to portray him as being concerned with little more than his own power .
24 From the ascription on the first page of H400D , Te Deum Simple Le feu Roy ayant voulu qu'il ne dura guere plus que sa messe ordinaire ( ‘ Simple Te Deum , the late King having wished that it will last little more than his usual mass ’ ) , we can deduce that this score , or at least this inscription , must be dated between the death of Louis XIV in September 1715 , and that of the composer , in June 1726 .
25 A line on the Pirámide Blanca had drawn our eye , and armed with little more than our desire to do so , we climbed it .
26 The broker reckons RTZ is an excellent late-cycle recovery stock , pointing to its control of a significant portion of the world 's metal production , together with strong technical and financial management , not to mention a break up value put at £2.6 billion more than its current £5.8 billion capitalisation .
27 I do not think that any member of the United Nations , any more than Her Majesty 's Government , would want to send their forces to fight their way into the situation .
28 No two readers are the same , any more than their gardens .
29 Leaders of the military establishment do not , any more than their civilian colleagues , define their economy by its defects .
30 Moreover , American firms are reluctant to buy from the Japanese because , as one executive put it , ’ we will never be any more than their second most important customer ’ .
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