Example sentences of "[adj] even in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The gnarled shapes were unmistakable even in semi-darkness .
2 The income is 168 hours and remember you can not increase this even in times of severe inflation — you have all the time there is .
3 He was all muscle and sinew , with no spare flesh as far as she could tell , the aura of strength very marked even in repose as he lay relaxed , his hands clasped behind his head , his face shuttered and dreaming as he listened to the music .
4 It is fairly clear that no one would now seriously seek to impose a return to the regular liturgical use of Latin or the celebration of private masses or decree an actual dissolution of episcopal conferences , but full acceptance of many of them is still far from clear even in Rome .
5 Although chance dictates that the evidence relates to two major centres , the situation thereby depicted does not necessarily misrepresent the economy as a whole , inasmuch as clothing was the only really large-scale manufacture , ranking high even in towns like Leicester and Northampton which had leather wares for their principal products .
6 Other propositions may not be testable even in principle but may remain for the time as a necessary component of an overall paradigm .
7 At her inquest this afternoon he said he 'd visited the streets where she worked and found it dangerous even in daylight .
8 With the hill and the dark masses of the trees behind it to the south , the place does n't get any sunlight in winter and not that much even in summer .
9 The intellectual input at the indexing stage is minimal even in systems where , in the interests of enhanced consistency , there is some intervention at the indexing stage .
10 The world seemed dark even in daylight .
11 Many historic sites and buildings can be cold even in summer , and warm clothing and appropriate footwear may be needed .
12 The deal that was eventually drawn up between Boeing and Virgin was of a complexity unprecedented even in R.Q. Wilson 's considerable experience .
13 At this date such illustrations were uncommon even in engineering , where drawing was becoming both a serious matter and something like an art form .
14 The road from Cauterets to the Pont d'Espagne , five miles away to the south , is all waterfalls — there are four or five of them , spectacular and profuse even in summer .
15 I play rugby for enjoyment , but playing in the Varsity Match , which is famous even in South Africa , is a dream come true . ’
16 ‘ He owns rich fields , ’ Benjamin whispered , ‘ and the wool from his flocks is famous even in Flanders .
17 It is effective even in children 's tiny mouths .
18 and it 's freezing even in summer and you just have to get under them blankets for another five minutes !
19 As countervalue weapons , aimed at large-scale societal destruction , their use would be illegal even in retaliation .
20 Since the breach of this principle is prohibited even in reprisal , the indiscriminate nature of nuclear weapons makes their use illegal even in self-defence or as second-strike weapons .
21 Since the type of all-out attack involved in the ‘ assured destruction ’ scenario would clearly be indiscriminate and inhumane , and therefore illegal even in self-defence , it can be argued that even this type of deployment entails an illegal threat of force .
22 ‘ Suite 817 , ’ said the porter as he opened the door and now , with a tip in prospect , he did stir himself and pointed out the televisions , the radios , the mini bars , the bathrooms , the telephones , the heating , the wardrobes , the list of amenities and the double lock on the door ‘ advisable even in daytime , sir , and even when you are in residence ’ .
23 Their virtues , evident even in decay , tend towards intimacy .
24 Bishop Aethelric , he had heard , was accounted able even in Peterborough , and ruthless into the bargain .
25 The massive figure of Christ , heroic and muscular even in death , is unflinchingly presented for contemplation by the viewer , surrounded by the mourning Virgin , St John and two holy women .
26 Modern technology comes to the rescue here , however : solid-fuel handling systems , developed by British Coal , allow automatic fuelling from an outside coal store ; de-ashing systems have improved , making the job quicker and easier ; smokeless fuels have made the burning of fires possible even in cities ; and some modern solid fuel stoves , which can be installed in front of a fireplace , burn so efficiently that they can be used in smokeless zones .
27 I was so much convinced that I should get Roux 's result in all its features , that even in spite of the whole blastula , I now expected the next morning would reveal to me the half-organization of my subject once more ; the gut , I supposed , might come out quite on one side of it , as a half-tube , and the ring of cells might be a half one also .
28 Like ‘ the Shadow ’ , this is in fiction an external force with physical effects of which sensitive characters like Legolas can be aware ; it appeals to a recognition of truth outside fiction , however , in its buried statements that clouds have silver linings , that fortune favours the brave , that even in reality things are not always as they seem .
29 Although delays are far from negligible even in magistrates ' courts , the problem is particularly acute in relation to Crown Courts where the average waiting time for those denied bail is around ten weeks from committal to trial .
30 He concludes that it was the consequence of a political style — a belief that ‘ Firmness , the resolute approach , is considered essential even in defence of the indefensible ; consensual , rational approaches to decision-making , tedious incrementalisms are regarded as excuses for doing nothing .
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