Example sentences of "[adj] years in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Michael Degnan , 30 years in Bishop Auckland , strutted the theory last weekend shared by Arthur , Squeak and a few others of the Cumberland 's Friday night faithful that the name comes from the cockfighting pit that once was out the back .
2 But unless there have been marked changes over the past 30 years in insolation , the quantum efficiency of phytoplankton photosynthesis , or rates of nutrient supply , interannual changes or lack thereof , in chlorophyll ( which we inferred from interannual changes in Secchi depths ) will reflect interannual variations in primary production in the North Pacific or any other ocean basin .
3 ‘ In terms of my 30 years in stockbroking I think the past three years have been the most interesting , if interesting is the right word .
4 The loss of bone mass is recognised as a universal characteristic of ageing — beginning at around 30 years in women and 50 in men — although there are wide differences in the amount and rate of loss .
5 A cruel analysis of the last 30 years in education might say that the succession of Schools Council , then the Schools Curriculum Development Committee and then the NCC neatly summarises the way that education has been perceived over this period .
6 Edith Harlow was presented with a cake to mark her ‘ 30 years in Wickford ’ form Dorothy Cole 's class members ( Dorothy was in hospital but is home now and making progress ) .
7 The history of the past 30 years in brewing has been dominated by the emergence of a handful of giant national companies — Bass , Allied , Whitbread , GrandMet/Watney , Courage , and Scottish & Newcastle — driven by a need to maximise profit rather than concentrating on high quality products that also generate a good return .
8 Williams continued to gather public support throughout 1954 , ( also the year that Learie Constantine returned after 30 years in England ) , and it seems that he was now consolidating his position in preparation for a decisive political move , but while he was still involved with the Caribbean Commission in an apolitical capacity , this move would be put on hold .
9 With the assistance of Archbishop Romero — who was subsequently assassinated — she found her son , who was tried and sentenced to 30 years in prison .
10 Citing church sources , the Western media reported early in 1990 that 12 Roman Catholic bishops had been arrested in the previous few months , including Mgr Antoine Zhang Guangyi , 83 , who had already served 30 years in prison .
11 On March 5 two Palestinian teenagers were each sentenced to 30 years in prison for stabbing a Jewish student to death on a bus in Tel Aviv district on Dec. 2 , 1990 [ see p. 37928 ] .
12 Colonel Guillermo Benavides and Lieutenant Yusshy Mendoza , both serving 30 years in prison for killing six Jesuit priests in 1989 , will be released under the amnesty .
13 If found guilty , Mr McNamara , who has been charged with mail fraud , wire fraud , and money laundering , could face up to 30 years in jail , the seizure of all his assets and fines amounting to more than $800m .
14 Two of them were executed , the third received 30 years in jail .
15 The trial of Sir Terence and the charges against Sir Joh were indicative of the depth of corruption associated with the National Party 's 30 years in office in Queensland which had ended with the party 's electoral defeat in 1989 .
16 ‘ After nearly 30 years in show business , I have a great need of privacy for a while .
17 Oliver Tambo , president of the African National Congress ( ANC ) , returned to South Africa on Dec. 13 after 30 years in exile , marking a further step in the ANC 's return to a full political role in the country .
18 This month sees the publication of a new book by Doug Scott , recording his climbing career over the last 30 years in photographs .
19 Partly educated by a Jesuit , he spent some years in Rome , and rendered services to Pope Gregory XVI , but later he left the Roman Catholic Church .
20 Captain Sturt was the great explorer who had discovered the Murray River , and have been some years in New South Wales before coming to Adelaide , where he was Colonial Secretary .
21 In 1794 her father took a commission in the army , serving for some years in Ireland .
22 The real pioneer of the Italian monodic style in Germany was one of his pupils , Johann Nauwach ( c. 1595–c. 1630 ) , who like him had spent some years in Italy .
23 ‘ An institution for the purpose of cultivating this art ( of veterinary medicine ) similar to those which have been established some years in France , Germany , Piedmont , Sweden , Denmark , etc. would afford an exhaustless fund of amusement to independent persons , as well as of precious instruction to all .
24 He had no formal schooling but was tutored privately , spending some years in France under orthopaedic specialists .
25 And you know some years in advance if you 're in a secondary school erm that the total secondary school population is going to drop by , say , erm fifteen per cent in the next five years or whatever it might be .
26 Even those whose fathers spent some years in industry tended to be brought up in the village .
27 I had the pleasure of spending some years in Queensland , Australia .
28 More than any Prime Minister since Lloyd George , Mrs Thatcher appeared justified in proclaiming after some years in office , ‘ I have changed everything ’ .
29 In Sweden the Social Democrats were ousted from power in 1976 after forty-five years in office by an alliance of ‘ bourgeois ’ parties , although they returned to office in 1982 .
30 Loss of organic matter in the upper layers of the soil was found to be at a rate of 9% per annum in the first 2 years in Trinidad , while after clear-felling and burning in Ghana , up to 13% was lost per annum and up to 33% of the cations .
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