Example sentences of "[adj] than for [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is far easier for the British than for the American executive to do this .
2 The difference in performance between large and small hardware firms was less marked than for the other sectors .
3 What can be easier than for a manufacturer to limit his sales to those members of the public who fulfil the qualification of being this or doing that ?
4 David Boole of Jaguar Cars describes the medium-term as healthier than for a long time' . ’
5 Inclusion of the GFF and LPF into the bigram experiments appears to be less stable than for the trigram experiments — the number of top ranked correct words tends to drop for the bigram cases but remains almost constant for the trigram cases .
6 One example of this is that the CEGB 's engineering costs for a new coal plant are expected to be 16 per cent higher than for the completion of the coal-fired Drax power station while for a new AGR it expects engineering costs to be 20 per cent lower than for the Heysham II prototype .
7 The term y must be positive , and so the no-arbitrage price for futures on a geometric index is lower than for the corresponding arithmetic index .
8 But surprisingly prices in Northallerton were lower than for the County Durham pubs although overall Which ? found Yorkshire prices higher than in the North-East .
9 Mike Ross , Widows ' managing director , said : ‘ Despite a good 1992 , nominal investment returns during the 1990s continue to be considerably lower than for the 1980s .
10 Dickens 's Will Fern , with first-hand knowledge of life inside one , complains of this female tendency : ‘ It looks well in a picter , I 've heerd say ; but there a n't weather in picters , and maybe ‘ t is fitter for that than for a place to live in . ’
11 ‘ Guys like Stefan and Boris will be more pumped up for that than for a preparation tournament . ’
12 Both underweight and overweight women had a lower chance of becoming pregnant than women with normal weight , although this effect was greater for the obese than for the lean women .
13 ‘ The differences in our electorate are much bigger than for the conservative parties , ’ says Heidi Wieczorek-Zeul , a member of the party praesidium .
14 More accurate perception of orientation was found for the left than for the right hand , at least among right handers ( Benton , Levin and Varney , 1973 ; Varney and Benton , 1975 ; Benton , Varney and Hamsher , 1978 ) .
15 Similarly for Sweden , three of the four variables are found to be significant — although the results generally for that country are less satisfactory than for the other three .
16 What more obvious than for the allies to outflank the French right to cut their lines of communication with Vienna ?
17 The mean age of patients with cancers of the cardia , however , was significantly younger than for the other sites ( 64.7 ( 11.0 ) v 70.0 ( 11.0 ) , p=0.009 ) ( Table I ) .
18 172 bomb incidents this year — 54 fewer than for the same period last year .
19 If we examine the three morbidity indicators shown in table 9.3 , which do exist in the RAWP report , we see cases where the differences are consistently larger than for the SMRs .
20 For farm workers the North–South divide continued , indeed it probably worsened , and countrywide averages are no more helpful than for the 1760 to 1790 period .
21 Aid officials agree that conditions are far better than for the wretched Kurds stuck on the freezing mountains .
22 For many emigrants , conditions at sea were no better than for the animals these ships carried .
23 Ministers claim that accident rates on YTS are better than for the rest of the working population in that age group .
24 But if you decide a 33MHz 486SX is the machine for you , be prepared to pay around £100 more than for a comparable 25MHz system .
25 We should not , however , expect a question for the initial verb alone since this is only possible in English for verbs which describe something as being , in some as yet ill-defined sense , " done " to their objects : ( 69 ) what did Rafferty do to the cistern ? and this can not be claimed for the verbs preceding clausal adjectives any more than for a verb which precedes an explicit subordinate clause .
26 More than 77,000 people have visited the exhibition to find out for themselves already this year — that 's almost 28,000 more than for the same period in 1991 !
27 In the past nine months the terror group — which boasts a bigger membership than the IRA — has murdered 14 people , two more than for the same period last year .
28 A comparative example provides another good illustration ; in 1959 , we are told , French archives of diplomacy already held more documents for the years since 1914 than for the whole history of French diplomacy backwards from that date to its foundation under Richelieu .
29 JOB losses in the South East will go on rising faster than for the rest of Britain , a leading economist warned yesterday .
30 The skills required were no less than for the intricate metalworking and jewelling skills of the Kentish craftsmen , but the effort and raw materials required were on an altogether different scale .
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