Example sentences of "[adj] than [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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31 Trading profits in the communications division were more than double the figure for the first half year thanks to the cost control programme .
32 Last year , 45 per cent of recorded crime was cleared up — more than double the average rate in the United Kingdom .
33 Of the 383 state production plans , 148 had been unable to meet their target — more than double the previous figure of 65 .
34 By 2031 the average number of homes passed on each year , excluding bequests to spouses , could be 343,000 — more than double the current average ( see chart ) .
35 The black spot is its unemployment rate of 14% , which is more than double the OECD average .
36 In the Western Isles it was estimated at about 16% in 1976 , or more than double the already high rate for the Highlands and Islands .
37 Cargo forecasts suggest that a growth rate of 11.4 percent for Europe-Far East trade over the next 20 years will be more than double the expected increase across the North Atlantic .
38 But the effect of this series of pessimistic changes was to more than double the estimates for wave power up to a range of 8–12 p/kWh .
39 If one is more than double the other , we should not fit a straight line .
40 Yet still the Prussians delayed introducing expropriation to Pomerania until May 1912 lest they provoke an uprising , and while they bought up only four estates totalling over 6,624 hectares of land , they paid more than double the market rate .
41 DRIVING at more than double the speed limit cost a young Newton Valence woman her driving licence .
42 A task force set up two years ago to raise extra money from international business has enabled it to more than double the number of support staff to five ( last year it raised £300,000 ) .
43 The CBI points out that UK corporate taxes , at more than 4% of GDP in 1989 , are more than double the amount of state aid to industry .
44 The Wakefield firm has launched an agreed cash offer of 160p a share — more than double the market price — which values Stag at £12.35m .
45 If you are pregnant , or breastfeeding , for example , you will need more than double the recommended daily amount of calcium .
46 The growth in occupational pension provision for women was even more marked with more than double the proportion of 60–69 year olds having them ( 32 per cent ) compared with the over-80s ( 15 per cent ) .
47 The Micom Communications Corp subsidiary of MB Communications Inc , Lawrence , Pennsylvania has announced a new model in its Marathon range of data and speech network servers which is claimed to more than double the performance of the previous products .
48 Declared expenditure on defence and security is now more than double the expenditure on health .
49 They comprise some 21 per cent of rural housing stock on average , and Shucksmith ( 1981 ) indicates that , during 1968–73 in England and Wales there were usually more than double the number of local authority houses being built per 1,000 population in urban than in rural districts .
50 Prior to World War I , infant mortality rates in the workhouses were more than double the rate for the entire population .
51 Two hydrocyclone separators are to be installed on the Gyda platform next year to more than double the installation 's water handling capacity to 35,000 barrels a day in readiness for an anticipated increase in produced water from the reservoir .
52 On housing , I have increased Scottish Homes ' grant in aid next year by £27 million compared with 1991-92 planned expenditure — excluding repayments to the national loans fund — more than double the rate of inflation .
53 Thus , the benefit for a pensioner couple over 80 will rise from £88.45 a week to £96.15 a week — an increase of 8.7 per cent. , which is more than double the increase in the retail prices index .
54 Even before last week 's double blitz the Compensation Agency for Northern Ireland was facing record pay-outs this year — more than double the total for 1991–92 .
55 The total so far this year is 53,000 — more than double the number during the same period in 1991 .
56 Wheat prices at 13s. 4d. a quarter were more than double the normal ( though not as disastrously high as in the notorious famine years of 1315–17 ) , barley at 6s. -7s. was up by over 50 per cent and peas and beans at 6s. had tripled in cost ( 209 , pp.266–73 .
57 The Roads Minister , Kenneth Carlisle , defended the decision to more than double the costs of the road by citing " the beauty and sensitivity of the countryside " .
58 It was identified as a six gilled shark weighing 315lbs — more than double the current Irish record of 154lbs landed by Essex angler Andrew Bull in 1968 .
59 In each case the shout is far more than simply a war cry .
60 For real benefit , allow your exercise to help you on more than simply a physical level .
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