Example sentences of "[adj] company [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Now the expertise of a small British company opens the way to cutting the cost of these biotechnology drugs by between five and 1,000 fold , the congress at Umist in Manchester was told yesterday .
2 This included RAF stations at Habbaniyah and Shuaibah ; a British company developing the oil resources in Iraq 's subsoil ; British archaeologists investigating Iraq 's ancient past ; and a solid nexus of close personal ties between Britain and the Hashemite regime .
3 Further to your item on trade name registration ( see ACCOUNTANCY , November , p 79 ) I understood that if the trade name consisted of common or garden words then another company using the same name could not object .
4 It took more than a month to find and sign a contract with another company to complete the remaining work .
5 IBM Corp has been doing it for some time , and now Wordperfect Corp is doing it too — applying for patents on their software rather than relying copyright law : reason is that , as the Wall Street Journal explains , a patent can provide a company with exclusive use of its patented programs for a fixed number of years , even if another company develops the idea independently ; copyright , which is created as soon as an idea is expressed in an original way , protects only the expression of the idea , not the idea itself , and it does n't confer exclusive use if someone else develops the same software independently ; downside is that getting a patent costs big — in both time and money — and once it expires , the technology it describes is free for all .
6 Having also taken over Baragumu , this company combined the two in mid-1961 as the weekly Mwafrika na Taifa ( ‘ African and Nation ’ ) , while continuing Mwafrika as a daily and keeping on Robert Makange as editor .
7 This company bears the name Royalbion , which is synonymous with Britain itself .
8 ‘ I think to myself ‘ Well , has this company got the expertise to treat to this particular standard ? ’ , ’ said an area officer :
9 One of the features of the plan is a proposal to allow a foreign company to monitor the timber industry .
10 HOW can the Government allow a foreign company to secure the new Jubilee Line contract in London ?
11 The accountant , in conjunction with the lawyer , will consider using a separate limited company to undertake the touring activity , and advise accordingly .
12 A private limited company has the following clause in its Articles of Association concerning the issue of share capital : ‘ The shares shall be under the control of the directors , who may allot and dispose of or grant options over the same to such persons on such terms , and in such a manner as they think fit . ’
13 ‘ It is not right or arguable that this public limited company has the burden of having to employ Mr Venables as chief executive indefinitely , ’ he added .
14 However , the existence of the limited company underlines the ( semi- ) permanence of the individual 's temporary working .
15 On Dec. 11 agreement was reached to set up a single joint company to oversee the pipelines .
16 During 1989 North and South Yemen ( the latter having significantly richer oil reserves ) formed a joint company to exploit the Shabwa oilfields straddling the border between the two Yemens .
17 TWO of Britain 's biggest unit trust groups , Henderson Unit Trust Management and Gartmore Investment Management , are launching a joint company to handle the administration of their funds .
18 The lights were on in the office from which he commanded the Carabinieri Company covering the section of the city that lay south of the river Arno and a large tract of country going south through the Chianti hills to the borders of the Province of Siena .
19 In a letter to the Institute , Mr. Major offers his congratulations to Bovis Construction Ltd on becoming the 200th company to join the newly launched Chartered Building Company Scheme , which he calls ‘ a testimony to the British building industry in its determination to achieve ever improving standards ’ .
20 Reducing the sources of internal division within the Japanese company allows the focus of collective effort to be directed externally towards rival companies in the market .
22 A report published on June 26 , 1990 , by Nuclear Electric , the government-owned company controlling the nuclear industry , put the projected cost of the Sizewell B pressurized water reactor ( PWR ) under construction on the Suffolk coast at £2,030 million ( at 1987 prices — almost £2,400 million at 1990 prices ) as against a 1987 estimate of £1,690 million .
23 ‘ Horology is the study or measuring of time or making of clocks ’ — that 's what our dictionary says and the latter is what we do ; we make clocks for a large company called the London Clock Company , but we had very humble beginnings … .
24 ( 3 ) The proposal is a friendly merger with the larger company wishing to acquire the smaller company but there is known to be a difficult minority shareholder in the smaller company holding above 10 per cent of the voting rights ( or able to muster that level of support against the proposal ) which could prevent the larger company implementing the compulsory sale procedures under CA 1985 , s429 .
25 A reverse takeover offer is one where an offeror company makes a general offer to the shareholders of a larger company to acquire their shares in exchange for new shares in the offeror company , with the shareholders in the larger company becoming the majority shareholders in the offeror company .
26 For instance , if the directors of the smaller company have had to issue consideration shares at a significant discount to the market price in order to persuade shareholders of the larger company to accept the offer the minority may argue that not only have they been diluted unfairly but also that this has resulted in control passing into the hands of third parties and that they are , effectively , investors in an entirely different company without having been given the opportunity to accept an offer or exercise their rights of challenge under CA 1985 , s430C .
27 The General Electric company says the system , called Comband , will double the capacity of any cable TV system without noticeably affecting the quality of picture or sound .
28 BT conceded that , if a merger did not take place , the System X collaboration could also exist if either company purchased the other company 's interests or if a joint company were set up .
29 Technopol Eryri Cyf/Snowdonia Technopole Ltd has been adopted as the name of a holding company to formalise the partnership .
30 Erm as the result of a a board of directors decision taken on er March twenty second nineteen ninety three it was proposed that a a new public liability holding company named the Water Company be formed er from the capitali er capitalization of assets currently surplus to requirements of the founding company namely .
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