Example sentences of "[adj] group [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes the landowning class might be the only social group possessing the qualities of leadership and the minimum of education without which an officer was useless .
2 It is as if absence of this language/network relationship ( a relationship that fulfils a cohesive social function ) enables a particular social group to adopt the role of linguistic innovators .
3 It would shortly be the turn of another group to state the opposite view , but in the meantime majority opinion was in favour of increased centralized political control .
4 It is always possible for humans to live peacefully , in a relatively small community , as long as there is another group to receive the manifestations of their aggressiveness .
5 In his most persuasive ( but unrepeated ) experiment , he trained a group of pigeons in a loft into which he experimentally made the wind blowing from the south to smell of olive oil , and the wind from the north to smell of turpentine ( another group had the directions of the smells reversed ) .
6 Another group combs the refuse for tins , bottles and plastic containers to be sold on junk stalls .
7 Another group used the library in the First World War .
8 This involves the incoming group taking the time and trouble to go and see other local leaders to talk through their plans .
9 Those in the top left-hand group represent the present and future of the company and should be invested in to push them further into the corner .
10 If children who have already been diagnosed as suffering from some specific handicapping condition are included , the data will show the expected age delay before this group matches the performance of the normally developing children .
11 One of my favourite presidents , Theodore Roosevelt , president from the early part of the twentieth century and known as the damned cowboy erm you might be interested to know how people become president erm Theodore Roosevelt was an arch imperialist and got very excited about the er war with Spain er America had a s little brief war with Spain at the end of the nineteenth century erm over the possession of Cuba , and erm in eighteen ninety eight , and this aroused great patriotic feelings in all red blooded Americans and especially in Theodore Roosevelt and er er Roosevelt formed his own company of cavalry called the Rough Riders and erm Roosevelt wore glasses and was asthmatic but he had this group called the Rough Riders , sort of early kind of Clint Eastwood stuff , and erm anyway he g he was engaged in the war with Spain er and there was one wonderful moment in the war Spain in which the Spaniards were at the top of a hill called the San Juan hill er and er Teddy , as he was known , of course he gave his name to the teddy bear , did you know that did you ?
12 This group contained the smallest number of cases , ( 19 ) and the excess was based on eight patients only .
13 This group comprises the County Court , the Magistrates ' Court and tribunals .
14 On June 13-14 this group held the founding congress of a new Christian Democratic Forum ( FChD ) , electing Olszewski as honorary chairman of the new movement .
15 In developing ‘ critical theory ’ the writers of this group confronted the social role of knowledge and ideology using a framework for analysis and an approach very different from that of the sociology of knowledge .
16 Trade in Appendix I animals is completely forbidden , this group includes the great apes , rhinos , Asian elephants , sea turtles , the great whales , the giant panda , the big cats , some lizards , crocodiles , monkeys and birds of prey .
17 This group supported the formulation of a settlement within the Arab ranks and emphasized that the presence of foreign , and particularly US , troops in Saudi Arabia was a major obstacle to any solution of the crisis .
18 On the shoulders of this group rests the responsibility for preserving the basic standards of the polity .
19 This group included the veteran politician Mbiyu Koinange , who had participated in missions to the British Colonial Secretary in the early 1950s , and Dr Njoroge Mungai , then a minister in the Kenyatta government .
20 Areas considered by this group included the telecommunications and construction sectors , transport and tourism services , and financial and professional services .
21 Similar results were obtained after exclusion of the 17 patients infected with HIV , although the consequent improvement in survival in the youngest group pushed the relation between age and mortality towards statistical significance ( p=0.2 ) .
22 North himself then moved into water supply , buying in 1875 an old hulk to use as a tanker , and when in 1878 an English group founded the Water Company of Tarapacá in Iquique to bring water from Arica , he rented the carriage business and storage tanks on a service contract and ran it well .
23 In retrospect , it was ironic that a year after Syria was partitioned , another small ethnic group took the opposite path to protect its identity .
24 They usually do not even risk saying , as they truthfully could , that though groups may differ on the average , group differences are small relative to individual differences , and that every sociological stratum and ethnic group contains the full range of mental ability .
25 Yet others may deplore British nationalism while taking it for granted that there is some homogeneous group called the British , thus conceding the basic premise for a British nationalism .
26 The outer group includes the heads of programming departments .
27 A sharp contrast to the Buid is provided by the Tausug , a Muslim group inhabiting the Sulu archipelago in the southern Philippines .
28 A second group re-designed the scouring machine in the biscuit warehouse to increase efficiency .
29 The second group includes the various social security benefits provided by the government .
30 The second group contains the following parts :
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