Example sentences of "[adj] so [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 That so far the outlaws had left them alone and kept out of sight troubled them all , this was so unexpected that it increased their fears rather than diminished them .
2 Just as the disease varies in intensity from one sufferer to another so also the pattern of recovery will vary considerably from one recovering person to another .
3 I 'm in London I 'm in the nick I 'm in fucking Paddington Green for Christ 's sake , the high-security station they use for the Provos and they think I 'm so dangerous so much a security risk they 've got me here and even holding me under the Prevention of Terrorism Act Jesus God because some of them still are n't convinced they are n't dealing with some unholy alliance of the IRA , Welsh Nationalists and uppity jocks .
4 But the level of activity is not constant so either the permanent staff have to deal with it at the expense of other work , which leads to chaos ; or , temporaries have to be employed , which again leads to chaos .
5 If it is readily intelligible so much the better ; but it is far more important that it should yield its meaning accurately than that it should yield it on first reading , and the Legal draftsman can not afford to give much attention , if any , to euphony or literary elegance … .
6 The combs of the nest , in both wild and domestic colonies , are vertical so now the waggle-steps can not point directly to the food source .
7 The object is to build a picture of standards not to catch people out and if the expectation of an inspection causes staff to be that much more diligent so much the better .
8 In such a case A has de facto conferred the opportunity on C through the instrumentality of B. Any other conclusion would , it seems to me , leave open so wide an escape route as to frustrate the purposes of the section .
9 Yeah , the got to actually change the starter motor erm I mean on the A D fifties and the two litre they I would sort of , its only a hundred and fifty cc , but the next biggest thing they did was stopping er , a sixteen hundred so quite a lot of those , but nine times out of ten all they did was another part , so
10 ‘ You 're young , pretty and obviously intelligent so why the hell are you trying to screw up your life ?
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