Example sentences of "[adj] were the year " in BNC.

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1 so there were nineteen eighty eight 's statistics , some were the year before
2 Thus 1848 and 1849 were the years of great reform of the Austrian school system ; the defeat of the army by France/Piedmont in 1859 was followed by the establishment of constitutional government ; and the defeat of the army by Prussia in 1866 brought liberalism to as close as it would ever come to full state power and led to the establishment of the dual monarchy the following year .
3 These were the years of the anti-fascist movement , the Japanese attack on Britain 's Asian empire , the British retreat and the Bengal famine during which two million people died .
4 Moreover these were the years when Pound was writing Canto 30 :
5 These were the years of ‘ Subterranean Homesick Blues , ’ ‘ Highway 61 Revisited ’ and ‘ Blonde on Blonde ’ , arguably his most creative period .
6 These were the years of course when money-making became respectable again in Britain .
7 These were the years of Stalin 's purges , and it was fortunate that he had spent so long away at a great distance .
8 These were the years when unemployment rates in all advanced industrial societies were low , demands for labour were high , economic prospects were bright and the belief in science and technology was strong .
9 These were the years of the infamous ‘ American Plan ’ , which advocated the use of blacklists , spies , injunctions and propaganda , and the ‘ Mohawk Valley Formula ’ which urged employers to use the police to break up meetings and organise vigilante groups to protect strikebreakers ( Fox Piven and Cloward , 1977:120 ) .
10 These were the years when Bomberg 's reputation faltered , and during his brief affiliation with the Communist party he visited Russia in 1933 .
11 Those were the years when Romania carried off the prizes .
12 Those were the years of the Clubs , the gatherings of merchants , gentlemen , and others , which included The Lucky Black Tavern , My Lord Ross 's Club , The Chop Society , the Tinkler 's Pot , the Face Club , the Hodge Podge , and the Old King Coul Club .
13 The Fifties were the years of its vendetta with show business , which began in 1947 with the jailing of ‘ the Hollywood Ten ’ , writers who held that their political opinions were no business of the Committee , relying on the First Amendment to the Constitution which guarantees freedom of thought and belief .
14 The 1750s were the years of the Glasgow Academy of Fine Arts , jointly supported by the University and Glasgow businessmen , a brave adventure ten years ahead of the Academy in London .
15 The 1960s were the years of jaunty self-confidence among economists , and the reasons for this were not difficult to fathom .
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