Example sentences of "[adj] were [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 To this were added the effects of the transformation of the social structure by industrialization and urbanization in the more advanced areas ( Austria , the Czech lands , etc . ) .
2 If to this were added the effects of a special pension at 60 for those who were unemployed , a new invalidity pension , the raising of the school-leaving age to sixteen and a uniform forty-hour week , a total of 2,000,000 jobs would be redistributed to the unemployed .
3 Following that initial spate of concern , the ten years between 1976 and 1985 were declared the ‘ Decade for Women ’ .
4 From the beginning of Phase 2 , BRAC implemented a change in the method of teaching the LGS message to the villagers : Whilst 90% of the unions ( subdistricts ) visited by Oral Replacement Workers in Phase 2 were given the same ‘ Standard ’ training which had been offered to the other unions during Phase 1 , 10% of the Phase 2 unions were chosen to test an experimental Concentrated Reinforcement Programme ( CRP ) developed by BRAC .
5 Thus the British were denied the chance of a monarch who would have been more cultivated than any of the other Hanoverians , while Sophia , born in exile , died without ever visiting the country to whose throne she was heir .
6 At the Potsdam Conference of Allied leaders , the Japanese were given the deadline of 3 August for surrender .
7 In 1946 these were renamed the MVD and MGB and later changed yet again to their present titles of the Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopastnosti ( KGB ) , and the Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravleniye ( GRU ) .
8 Most of these were accorded the right to establish elected " national local administrations " for self-government , or to join with neighbouring nationalities to do this .
9 During his rapid exit from the balloon carriage Sadler had lost both his signal flags , but these were found the next day in a field near Burton Pedwardine by Mr Edward Robinson , together with Sadler 's hat , cushion and , understandably , his broken thermometer !
10 Barn owls used to breed in the hay bales but when these were shifted the birds objected and moved off to the nearby quarry .
11 There were the usual arguments about freedom of choice and to these were added the less usual one about equity , allowing local authority tenants to share in the economic benefits of owner-occupation .
12 The other church leaders were released after several hours in custody , although three were re-arrested the following day .
13 One has transferred to the communications department and all were offered the opportunity to work for the new contract firm .
14 Apart from any need to counter persistent infringement of the rules of dress and display , the number of enactments is indicative of considerable uncertainty , for not only did the legislature feel impelled to extend the terminology of rank with monetary equivalents , these latter were made the subject of continual amendment within the broad permanent framework .
15 The few ladies present were given the privilege of drinking out of goblets , some of pewter , some of glass , some of wood .
16 21–7 Between 200 and 300 Glasgow Fair visitors were brought by the steamer " Islay " and more were expected the next two days .
17 If that were done the lender 's protection would be enhanced .
18 The only group claiming responsibility was the hitherto unknown " Mohammed El Boukhima " , and about 15 people detained for questioning in the Albi area on May 23 were freed the same day .
19 The two were given the VIP treatment after winning Newsline 's competition to find a name for the Telephone Service Unit .
20 These secretaries also began to attend meetings of the royal council , though merely as clerks , not as members , and in 1559 were given the title of secretaries of state .
21 He refers to customs in his school days such as the keeping of the Day of the Festival of Bridget , when they took to school a few silver coins as an offering to the teacher , and the boy and girl who took most were called the King and the Queen of the school for a year .
22 He refers to customs in his school days such as the keeping of the Day of the Festival of Bridget , when they took to school a few silver coins as an offering to the teacher , and the boy and girl who took most were called the King and the Queen of the school for a year .
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