Example sentences of "[adj] 's [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 It seems he wanted to preserve the evidence of Elfed 's attitude to him .
2 Being in a position of power , his stupidity does not just affect him , nor just his family , but a whole kingdom , showing the universal not only the domestic significance of the old 's relationship to the young .
3 There would be many owners aghast at allowing a horse of Dr Devious 's talent to be sold , but Sangster 's approach has been much more beneficial to his trainer and also to the future development of Manton .
4 Lawyers ' history , however , had little basis in reality and the exclusion of women was by no means settled practice before the fourteenth century in the great fiefs of France ; indeed , Edward III 's title to Gascony derived from a woman , Eleanor , wife of Henry 11 .
5 She had been married at Henry III 's instigation to Henry , son of Richard of Cornwall , in 1269 .
6 Abbess Aelfflaed 's question to Cuthbert , bishop of Lindisfarne , as to who would succeed the childless Ecgfrith need not imply that she had otherwise forgotten about Aldfrith 's existence , but rather that she was testing Cuthbert to ascertain that his loyalties lay in the right place .
7 There was no need for the whole of the accused 's body to be in the building : the top half was in a shop-front display , the bottom half outside .
8 Leo XIII 's approach to social and economic questions was qualified and priests were ordered to submit to their bishops on social and political matters .
9 On the face of it , Louis VI 's claim to be lord of all bishops not already under effective protection looks a modest attempt to regain only part of the Carolingian inheritance .
10 ‘ Pretty things , ’ wrote Sawyer and Darton of illustrated books in general , ‘ pleasant to fondle , more ready to display to a bibliophile those tiny points of an exquisite technique over which it is legitimate to gloat … the spot of ink adjusted on a Corinthian 's cheek to a thousandth of an inch , or a black line so thin and firm that you can almost see the metal caressing it on to the honest untimbered white paper . ’
11 ‘ We 'll go through Quick 's submission to The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fichon one more time . ’
12 The year was 1876 and the coachman was later fined for his behaviour , but the incident illustrates the reactionary 's response to new forms of transport .
13 It was quite a distinct and separate Organization — though one clearly inspired by the NAPSS conference and the Victoria Press — which placed an advertisement in the Scotsman in January 1861 , a month or two after Emily Faithfull 's visit to Edinburgh.21 Describing itself as the " scottish National Institute for Promoting the Employment of Women in the Art of Printing " , it claimed the patronage of a host of " distinguished persons " , headed by the Duchess of Kent and several other noble ladies , and was supported by a list of professors , provosts , clergymen , mayors etc .
14 Mrs Large 's escape to the bathroom for ‘ five minutes ’ peace from you lot ’ is sabotaged by her children who gang up to disturb her .
15 In fact , experience so far suggests that MDC 's approach to urban regeneration has been less cavalier than LDDC 's , reflecting its concern to minimise the social costs of development to its residents and to avoid projects likely to prejudice other areas of the city .
16 MDC 's approach to housing development in its extended area acknowledges the need for social housing provision .
17 Moreover , the fact remains that despite its recent record on public participation , MDC 's accountability to elected authorities and local communities continues to be at its own discretion .
18 One of his secretaries Colville tells us that Churchill 's attitudes to clergymen had a touch of King Henry II 's attitude to Thomas Becket .
19 Most of them were paltry , but a few made plain that Alexander II 's attitude to the army differed from that of his father .
20 James II 's marriage to Mary of Gueldres had the attraction of providing him with a queen who came from the great artillery-making centre of northern Europe .
21 Aleksi II , Patriarch of All Russia , accusing the Roman Catholic Church of " expansionism " had refused Pope John Paul II 's invitation to a Synod on Europe held in November-December 1991 [ see p. 38691 ] .
22 The same was true in Normandy , where Henry II 's concession to Rouen between 1160 and 1170 , soon to be a model for other cities across the Angevin empire , permitted internal self-government by a mayor and town council , but also allowed the duke to choose the mayor from a list of three names submitted to him by the council , and protected the ducal right to military service .
23 Next to Windsor Castle , Royalty & Empire celebrates two magnificent Royal occasions in the lives of two great British Queens — Queen Victoria 's 60th anniversary , her Diamond Jubilee in 1897 and in 1992 the 40th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II 's accession to the throne .
24 With Henry II 's accession to the English throne in 1154 , the king-duke 's chancery operated over Western France from the Pyrenees to the Canche , and set an example to all other princes , not least to the kings of France .
25 Western countries led by France were said in some reports to be fearful of the destabilization of Morocco should a UN-organized vote go against King Hassan II 's claim to Western Sahara .
26 The vote had the effect of removing from the top of the political agenda , if only temporarily , an issue which for many months had caused divisive debate in the country at large , and had threatened to overshadow Pope John Paul II 's visit to his homeland , due in June .
27 Amanieu VII 's marriage to Rose de Bourg brought with it important landed possessions around Bourg and Blaye ; his daughter Mathe married Renaud de Pons , lord of Bergerac , in 1314 , and was to give the Albret a significant foothold on the borders of Périgord ; while Amanieu 's son , Bérard I ( d. 1346 ) who was lord of Vayres and Vertheuil in the Entre-deux-Mers , acquired the castles and lordships of Langoiran and Podensac for his cadet son Amanieu through the latter 's marriage to Mabille d'Escossan in 1345 .
28 No mention was made of the February 1992 US-sponsored Washington accord between the legislature and President Jean-Bertrand Aristide , providing for the latter 's return to power [ see pp. 38758 ; 38808 ] .
29 The two brothers were at times united in their hostility to Chilperic 's son Chlothar II , and at one moment they reduced the latter 's kingdom to territory between the Seine , the Oise and the sea .
30 His ultimate conversion , after long and courteous discussions which added cubits to Gandhi 's stature , provided a timely justification of the latter 's claim to leadership .
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