Example sentences of "[adj] he [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After a few minutes of this he grew breathless with anger and rage and flurried his wings so much that he was hardly able to lift them any more he was so tired .
2 This he grew long and combed up , due north .
3 When he was angry like this he went berserk , she knew .
4 He believed his son disliked him and this he thought outrageous .
5 He was given an ancient , unreliable car and in this he made long journeys and addressed crowded meetings .
6 After this he spent long periods in Madeira until his death in 1907 .
7 When Freud learnt this he felt sure that Minton , by nature methodical and not narcissistic or vain , had commissioned this portrait with his death in mind .
8 He served Rome well but because of this he received hostile opposition from some Jews , especially the Pharisees .
9 By this he gives clear evidence of his innate greatness of soul .
10 For a period after this he stopped inviting Bobby for meals at Lyons and took Eric Verrico instead .
11 During 1876 he built new premises on the outskirts of Aberdeen , to cope with the increased demand .
12 In charge of works after the collapse of the central tower in 1237–9 he remained chief master at least until Christmas 1257 , described as ‘ cementarius magister operis ’ and ‘ magister fabrice ’ .
13 He was ruthless , impatient , and , though in public he seemed self-effacing , he was only too aware of his power and the impact he had on people .
14 In public he expressed great contempt for the system , but he made use of it to an immoderate degree , particularly by bestowing honours — undue honours — on the least worthy of his personal friends and particularly if the suggestion was made by anyone close to him .
15 In public he paid handsome tribute to Modigliani , but the truth of their private relations is more tangled .
16 In 1801 he became famous in the eyes of the general public by locating the exact position of the newly discovered ( and subsequently lost ! ) planet Ceres , this from very little information and where the best astronomers had failed .
17 Shevardnadze in a strong speech at the UN General Assembly in New York on Sept. 25 characterized Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait as " an act of terrorism against the nascent new world order " , and , apparently going further than Gorbachev had suggested at Helsinki [ see above ] , stated that the Soviet Union was prepared to support the use of force against Iraq , in a UN framework , if the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait continued ; on Sept. 30 he confirmed Soviet willingness to join a UN force if necessary .
18 When Avitus died in c. 690 he appointed Bonitus as his successor , and Pippin II , the maior and effective ruler of Austrasia and its dependencies in Aquitaine , agreed .
19 In this poem , as in 85 , the Poet claims that his Muse is ‘ tongue-tied ’ ; in 76 , 102 , 103 and 105 he gives conflicting reasons , all ingenious , why he writes such repetitive or uninspired poetry .
20 Francis was a very bright boy , but when five years old he fell ill with scarlet fever and lost his hearing .
21 When he was twenty months old he became ill .
22 Now 12 years old he carries top weight in the Maze Handicap Hurdle .
23 Were there so few he felt able to trust ?
24 Instead of flitting from one employer to another he remained constant in Richard 's service and was with him still at the end at Chalus .
25 In another he found old shoes piled high on rusty tables and there was one room he thought very odd but it made him smile .
26 I admire what Gorbachev is attempting , but I am afraid he has great problems .
27 On 30 April 1991 he sought legal advice from Marshalls concerning an order that he attend before the court in Manchester for examination by the liquidator of the company .
28 In 1660 he defended free grace in two public disputations at Allhallows against John Goodwin [ q.v. ] , the champion of free will .
29 As part of a restructuring of the armed forces announced on Feb. 10 he appointed new commanders to rebel garrisons .
30 As dean of Winchester he was an active servant of James I. Between 1616 and 1621 he made repeated visits to Scotland on royal business , accompanying the king in 1617 , and attending the general assembly in Perth ( 1618 ) in support of the king 's ‘ Five Articles ’ of ceremonial reform .
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