Example sentences of "[adj] that any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Simply this that any government of any colour , at any level , central or local and any organization charged with the responsibility of meeting the needs of elderly people which proceeds on the tacit assumption or makes the blatant assertion that there is no longer any poverty in Scotland is requiring to be contradicted because it is not true .
2 It follows from this that any anthropologist who selects a particular category word from his own mother tongue , e.g. incest , marriage , family , myth , religion , and then embarks on some kind of cross-cultural study of institutions which he lumps together under such headings , is begging all the questions which are of serious interest !
3 It follows from this that any woman who had previously had consensual sexual relations with a man would similarly be protected if on a subsequent occasion she refused consent and he raped her .
4 Brezhnev himself , addressing the Polish party congress in November 1968 , made it clear that any threat to the socialist order in a given country would be considered ‘ not only a problem of the people of the country in question , but a general problem and concern of all the socialist countries ’ .
5 They were relaxed and puffing on cigarettes ; it was clear that any responsibility for the inert procession which now crocodiled back out of the village failed to bother them .
6 While I take Walker 's point about the trap involved in always predicating social policies on economic policies and their success , it is clear that any transformation must involve basal change .
7 The effects of electrical discharges on glass fibre and carbon fibre structures are uncertain , but it is clear that any moisture in the material would be turned to steam by a flash and would certainly cause delamination and very expensive damage .
8 However , it should be clear that any firm which issues a guarantee must inevitably err on the side of over-zealousness , which will add to expense .
9 The Police Federation has made it clear that any proposals to reduce the age of consent would be vigorously resisted .
10 It was however made clear that any proposals made must be acceptable to the people of the United Kingdom as a whole and also to the parliament at Westminster .
11 ‘ You made it pretty clear that any attraction you felt for me was unwilling .
12 He also made it clear that any thoughts of topping the 221 mark are being put firmly on the back burner , with the fastest 100 , set last year in mid-December , his next target .
13 Hence I take the view that the absence of any reference to the criterion of proportionality in the B. & Q. judgment is not of fundamental importance and that the reason for the omission lay in the specific circumstances of the case , from which it was clear that any obstacles which might be created were not particularly serious .
14 His expression made it clear that any man or boy unlucky enough not to find another situation need not expect any sympathy : his place would have been filled .
15 It is clear that any version of monetary union will inevitably reduce national governments and parliaments to the status of charge-capped local authorities .
16 But it should be made clear that any time limit within which the landlord is to act is to be of the essence , otherwise the contractual notice will be ineffective except as a preliminary to the service of yet another notice making time of the essence ( Phipps-Faire Ltd v Malbern Construction Ltd [ 1987 ] 1 EGLR 129 although this relaxed approach has not been taken in Scotland ( Visionhire v Britel Fund Trustees [ 1992 ] 1 EGLR 128 ) .
17 The university has made clear that any funds raised from a sale will be used only for that purpose and not to clear its accumulated deficit , as originally intended .
18 But it very soon became clear that any mention of a maximum was unnecessary and , with hindsight , it can be seen as a future source of embarrassment .
19 Successive governments , however , have made it clear that any alteration of the state pension ages is unlikely .
20 ‘ He was very clear that any statement had to be taken correctly , because if there were mistakes it might not be useful in evidence in court .
21 However , in a letter to the BMC , Longleat Estate have made it clear that any cleaning work necessary to stabilise climbs will be done on the advice of its own specialists , dependent on the interests of tourists and the estate 's employees and not undertaken from a climbing perspective .
22 And it has made it clear that any attempt to organise a system of regional arms control or supervision should exclude Israel .
23 The King , however , was disinclined to anything other than an exchange of courtesies , once again making it quite clear that any attempt to detach Prussia from the rest of Germany was a fruitless exercise .
24 Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation is so heterogeneous that any explanation must address itself to particular components .
25 Sir Richard Attenborough , chairman of Channel 4 , said it was ‘ utterly improper that any government should have direct control over the appointment of who will run Channel 4 ’ .
26 The conventions are so rigorous that any break with them would require a new genre ; the editorial leaflet makes this clear enough :
27 If the planes are to avoid the danger of anti-aircraft fire or missiles , they have to fly so high that any drop would be liable to miss its target , with the danger that the supplies would fall into the wrong hands , or even injure those whom it is intended to help .
28 By the sound of it he intended to move around anyway , so it was doubtful that any letter she wrote would reach him .
29 ‘ You may think it is doubtful that any words can express what he did to that young girl , ’ he told the jury of eight women and four men .
30 She was afraid that any minute now he would come out with it , that he 'd say he hated Mr Evans and not being allowed to use the bathroom in the daytime , even when it was cold .
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