Example sentences of "[adj] that some [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It was to this that some judges turned their attention .
2 It has become clear that some colleges are having difficulty in recruiting viable numbers of students , especially from those coming in at 18-plus , mainly because school-leavers with two A levels prefer to opt for degree courses .
3 However , it is clear that some collocations only exist in particular inflected forms [ Schuetze , forthcoming ] .
4 It is clear that some groups of animals , like the proboscideans ( elephants and allies ) , are much reduced now compared with the late Tertiary , both in variety and geographic distribution .
5 It is equally clear that some directors have privately expressed fears that , given the crudeness with which the 1993–4 budget trends will have been constructed , severe cash shortages could affect them by September .
6 It is immediately clear that some topics received considerably more , or less , attention than would be suggested by the number of courses allocated to them .
7 But at the same time it is clear that some periods display radical situational change , while others , in between these , are periods of relative situational stability , when day-to-day conjunctural movement assumes a more prominent position in the historical picture ( see Gramsci 1971 : 175–85 ) .
8 From the present findings , described later , it is clear that some theses are quite widely consulted , and the majority lead to the formal publication of research results in journals and books which , presumably , reach a wider readership .
9 I do n't think there 's enough evidence to bear that out as yet , but it 's clear that some companies are now ahead of their consumers in terms of what they 're trying to do and the products they 're developing .
10 It was clear that some clients would let their whole lives revolve around daily contact with their dealers .
11 It is clear that some variables in English do function in a very general way : for example , variation between the alveolar and velar nasal in the present participle ending ( ing ) is universal and can be said to mark the whole English-speaking world as a single speech community .
12 If it becomes clear that some words are being asked for over and over prepare Language Master cards .
13 It was clear that some economies were possible if more generic drugs were prescribed rather than branded drugs .
14 It is also conceivable that some constraints might have to be placed upon communications within computer networks .
15 It is conceivable that some electors actually misled the pollsters , not in the sense of lying deliberately but in the sense of ‘ letting off steam ’ .
16 I am afraid that some jobs will now be at risk as a result of this . ’
17 Its bite is rarely lethal , but is so painful that some victims have survived when they ‘ hoped not to ’ .
18 On the other hand , it is also possible that some abortions that were originally induced by primitive or illegal means will be finally treated by medical personnel and reported as spontaneous abortion .
19 It is possible that some elements of the Hooligan dress-style were derived from the clothes favoured by costermongers in mid-nineteenth-century London .
20 It is in fact possible that some patients , especially those with marked symptoms of anxiety or depression , benefit from drugs and are better able to cope with their problems as a result , but the size of this group is not known .
21 However , as items that were merged on word-lists were commonly differentiated in conversational styles ( and speakers sometimes actually commented on that fact ) , it seems possible that some speakers may favour the flip-flop rule in casual style and the merger in word-lists .
22 The two 1973 elections , i.e. for Local Government as well as the Assembly , were held immediately after the advertising campaign and the electorate could concentrate on one method of voting , but since that time two Westminster elections were conducted by means of the X-vote , and it is possible that some voters may have been confused .
23 as if to emphasise the relative longevity of this sequence , however , it is also possible that some mosaics might pre-date the sequences of simple geometric and Orphic pavements .
24 We have seen above that it is possible that some individuals may wish to work fewer hours and take more leisure as a result of an increase in the real wage .
25 It 's quite possible that some MPs will try and talk the bill out .
26 I am sorry that some others have apparently taken leave of their senses .
27 This method was considered so cost-effective that some firms continued to employ it even when machine printing offered an alternative way of evading skilled men 's wages .
28 Unfortunately , however , the differences in appearance and behaviour between male and female goats are so subtle that some hunters are incapable of distinguishing between them .
29 Thatcher also stressed during a visit to Moscow on June 7-10 that some troops and nuclear weapons must remain in Europe , and she could not envisage the materialization of Gorbachev 's plan for NATO and the Warsaw Pact to operate in parallel with linked institutions .
30 They may be unaware that some bureaux can arrange home visits .
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