Example sentences of "[adj] that [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There 's few that wear the Mark of Biron 's Hand
2 When I move on to three eight one , three eight two there 's a lot of things been said about these benefits this morning which does n't leave much left for me but looking at the situation of the way this Tory government has in the last thirteen years , certainly since nineteen eighty two crucified the benefits paid genuinely to people is in itself a crime upon society and it reminds me of the the words of the song it 's the rich that get the gravy and it 's the poor that get the blame and nothing , but nothing has changed since those words were written many many years ago .
3 Though the Khmers Rouges signed the agreement in Paris in 1991 that set the scene for the election campaign , they have not honoured their promise to stop fighting .
4 It has also been pointed out previously that coordinate singularities necessarily occur in the regions II and III that contain the approaching waves .
5 Also the fold singularities in regions II and III that have a topological character , are quasiregular singularities since on them the curvature tensor is zero .
6 Inevitably , the lost that set the buyers alight were the North American and European imports , but it seems mere novelty value can no longer secure the top prices .
7 Europe has figured large in the past year and I am delighted that Save The Children is among the first of United Kingdom non-governmental organisations to establish an office in Brussels and mount a pan- European operation .
8 The term ‘ deeds of family arrangement ’ is not now quite so appropriate because they are increasingly used as tax-planning vehicles , and they will continue to be effective unless the Government repeals those provisions in the Inheritance Tax Act 1984 that permit the variations .
9 It 's these that make the difference . ’
10 Aerobic thermophyllic bacteria thrive between 41°C and 54° , and it is these that cause the rapid breakdown of cellulose .
11 During boiling , bubbles of vapour are formed inside the liquid and it is these that cause the turbulence .
12 Approaches such as these that assess a worker 's competence against nationally-established standards and that issue a qualification regardless of a person 's formal academic background need to be developed for larger groups of paraprofessionals .
13 It is these that attract the star performer of Gol-Oya : the white-bellied sea eagle .
14 It is these minerals and whether the water is hard or soft that determine the taste of beer .
15 Erm however he 's saying that you know where , where there is erm you know , pe peasant erm associations basically that they are trying to , you know , get together , club together and make sure that say the surcharge of , of each of land erm is at least being re reduced or abolished .
16 Her savings mounted and she was confident that come the summer she would be able to afford a journey to England .
17 Remembering all that put an end to her peace .
18 It emphasized the problem of housing and jobs , but beyond looking at forms of area management and pleas for much financial help , the reports did not give all that clear a lead on policy .
19 Moral virtue was of little interest to Gnostics , whose confidence in their own salvation made all that seem a matter of indifference .
20 Such a sacrifice is just one among many that occur every day on the continent .
21 It is not the healthy that need a doctor , but the sick ; I did not come to invite virtuous people , but sinners ( Mark 2:17 ) .
22 When I move on to three eight one , three eight two there 's a lot of things been said about these benefits this morning which does n't leave much left for me but looking at the situation of the way this Tory government has in the last thirteen years , certainly since nineteen eighty two crucified the benefits paid genuinely to people is in itself a crime upon society and it reminds me of the the words of the song it 's the rich that get the gravy and it 's the poor that get the blame and nothing , but nothing has changed since those words were written many many years ago .
23 Now merely saying that is not evidence of any kind ( and may merely annoy those AI workers who program in languages other than LISP and do use flow-charts ) , but it does bring out something of the opposition between modules and levels that is the heart of the last part of this paper : flow-chart boxes are essentially separated from each other in ways like those that separate the modules of programs ; but program levels are not like that .
24 The empowered organisation , emphasises Kinsley Lord , is held together by forces different from those that bind the command organisation : ‘ If the conventional metaphor for the command organisation is a dinosaur , with the brain at the top issuing instructions to the ponderous body , then that for the empowered organisation might be a shoal of fish , moving rapidly and constantly adjusting its shape through signals that are instantly understood . ’
25 They call it the Winter Game … and those that follow the form from Kelso to Kempton … from Wolverhampton to Wincanton reckon its the hardest game of all …
26 Those that follow the form , will be calculating the affects of the weights and weather .
27 " Cloudy " phrases are those that obscure the precise meaning of a sentence .
28 Those that bring the inventor wealth and fame , and those that make a fortune for someone else , ’ he says .
29 One glaring contradiction to host specificity in the Laboulbeniales is found among those that infest the members of ant colonies ; both the ants and their arthropod guests .
30 The genes that control the virus 's ability to multiply come from the bird strain , and those that control the development of the virus 's antigens come from the human virus .
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