Example sentences of "[adj] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He particularly missed the huge oil portraits which had dignified that impressive Whitehall staircase , intrigued always by the techniques by which artists of varying talents had coped with the challenge of dignifying the ordinary and occasionally unprepossessing features of their sitters by the visual exploitation of magnificent robes and by imposing on their pudgy faces the stern consciousness of imperial power .
2 Honduras denied on Sept. 30 that Honduran aircraft had attacked Nicaraguan territory earlier that day .
3 Recently people have begun to contemplate it as possible fuel in muon catalysed fusion and it is from this that current interest derives .
4 But one could argue against this that Japanese groups have nothing to do with classes .
5 Forster and Olbrei conclude from this that syntactic analysis is autonomous , and suggest that the difference between their results and those of Slobin ( 1966 ) and Herriot ( 1969 ) could be explained by viewing the earlier results as an artefact of the tasks used .
6 But it is not justifiable to conclude from this that criminal law reflects a value-consensus or even results from the state 's neutral refereeing among competing interest groups .
7 The most help in doing this that other packages give you are a set of guidelines that you have to position manually .
8 But where one concludes from this that theistic terms can not be understood , the other concludes that they are the language of ‘ faith ’ , directly given to the believer by God .
9 His institute 's estimates of the country 's current economic level relative to Western Europe are high and he concludes from this that economic reform can be based largely on domestic resources .
10 There are complicating factors , of course In the depression of the thirties suicide rates for those out of work were at an all time high , but the suicide rate among the retired also increased It might be argued from this that economic uncertainty rather than unemployment per se is the cause .
11 It does not follow from this that marital rape should not be a crime .
12 One can see from this that random sampling is not at all the same as what we might call ‘ personal choice ’ .
13 It seems peculiar that Minoan sites are concentrated in central and eastern Crete , while western Crete is , apparently , relatively empty .
14 It is clear that unpublished price sensitive information fulfils this requirement .
15 It is clear that ultimate liability is envisaged to lie with the producer , own brander or importer , irrespective of whether they are insolvent , that is , " whether still in existence or not " ( s2(3) ( a ) ) .
16 In terms of the overall needs employers had of young people , it was clear that non-academic criteria , attitudes to work and personal characteristics , and basic skills , essentially those of reading , writing and arithmetic , were far more important to employers than academic qualifications .
17 Than Tun continued to call for a national government but made it clear that armed struggle was , for the present , not envisaged .
18 This is what has so often happened in the past ; and although the Chancellor has made it clear that low inflation remains his goal , now that the country is out of the ERM there is not a great deal that he can do to prevent it .
19 This is what has so often happened in the past ; and though the Chancellor has made it clear that low inflation remains his goal , now that the country is out of the ERM there is not a great deal that he can do to prevent it .
20 Although it is clear that mountainous areas with few nearby notable pollution sources are receiving their pollution burden from regions or countries several hundreds or thousands of kilometres distant , it is difficult to determine precisely from which source or sources the pollution originated .
21 It 's now become clear that immunological factors are certainly involved .
22 Britain has apparently undertaken to review its own aid to Vietnam once it becomes clear that forced repatriation is working smoothly , and that Hanoi keeps to its side of the bargain , not to punish boat people who are deported from Hong Kong .
23 The EC has made it clear that live animal exports and imports are a fundamental tenet of the treaty and that it is not up to any nation unilaterally to seek to restrict that trade .
24 But pretty soon into the new model 's life it was clear that adverse press reaction was far from Ford 's biggest worry .
25 Pareto is clear that political activity is not necessarily a moralising activity ; on the contrary , the governing elite has to be able and willing to use violence , corruption , guilt and deceit to ensure public order , national independence and social conditions for the growth of national prosperity .
26 With presidential elections coming up in 1994 , it is becoming increasingly clear that political power in Brazil today rests to a large degree with the owners of the mass media .
27 It is clear that political commitment is no more sufficient for the development of good pedagogy than is the ability to speak a particular language and to share in its associated culture .
28 The judgment on the News International ban made it clear that political censorship , at least , could be fought effectively , and the basis for the defence against censorship was the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 .
29 And what he has to say makes it clear that young John Titford was not the only one to die in its grip :
30 The cover is usually only granted on portable/mobile plant and the wording makes clear that General Exception 2 relating to fire , theft , etc. does not apply to this cover .
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